㈠ 下列圖畫是今年國慶節放假期間,你外出途中發生的事情,請據此寫一篇日記,記敘事情發生的經過。注意:1
October 4 Sunday Sunny
This morning, I was walking along the main street to the city park when I found heavy smokes poured out of a building opposite the main road. Obviously it was on fire. I called the firefighters. Several minutes later, the firefighters arrived and tried their best to control the fire. With their help, many people managed to get out of the building safe and sound. All of a sudden a foreign woman came in a hurry almost out of breath and shouted. But she couldn』t make herself understood. I went to the woman and asked her what was happening. She told me that her daughter was still trapped in the fire. I told the firefighters about it at once. They immediately ran into the building. Shortly afterwards, they rushed out with the little girl. The woman was very grateful to me and the firefighters for the help. ㈡ 深圳外出寫生,有小夥伴一起出去畫畫嗎 什麼區,我是大鵬新區的,初三學生 ㈢ 外出旅遊能在毛主席的畫像前拍照嗎 你要想拍照的話當然可以,這個並沒有什麼約束的。因為他們放在那裡就是觀光拍照的。 ㈣ 我喜歡唱歌,畫畫,練字,滑板,跆拳道,拍照,外出遊玩。
你這算文藝青年吧。 ㈤ 外出油畫寫生幹不了怎麼帶回家 有油畫隔離器,隔離夾,雙頭頂,或者自己釘紙板隔離,現在市面上的隔離箱很少,而且設計很SB,LZ可以根據自己需要製作一個,不過要是不需要滿足防水,防塵等條件,一般的隔離工具也就夠用了。 ㈥ 平常喜歡出去旅行,想學畫畫,畫風景,應該學哪種繪畫最好能考慮到是外出繪畫這一因素,帶的工具不要太 速寫,有風景速寫,只要一支炭筆或者繪畫鉛筆,鋼筆,和一本速寫本8K、16K、32K大小的尺寸,還有一塊繪畫橡皮。 ㈦ 請家長晚飯或周末帶領孩子外出散步,積極引導孩子觀察周圍景物,傾聽他們的感受,並以繪畫和文字的形式記 這才是我們現在的,中國家庭所必須要做的。 ㈧ 書面表達,假期中你外出旅遊時發現許多不文明行為,如隨地吐痰,亂塗亂畫,亂丟垃 我覺得這是一種進步。遊客現在都有了環保意識,不再做出破壞環境的行為和不雅的行為,這是人們素質提高的表現。 ㈨ 國畫外出寫生,需要帶哪些裝備啊 1
毛氈\毛筆\國畫顏料\宣紙\墨汁\硯台\調色盤\石鎮\水桶或水瓶\章 ㈩ 外出旅遊,能夠做到「樹立形象,文明旅遊」,比如:不亂丟垃圾。2.不亂刻畫。……還有呢越多越採納! 不吐痰,不破壞公共財物 熱點內容