『壹』 昆明呈貢大學城附近能野炊的地方,要一定不要大概之類的不確定的詞語!最好是有風景又能吃燒烤的地方!
『貳』 有人認為大學生在春遊秋遊過程中可以用酒精燈沒有盧作為燃具搞野炊活動以下說
『叄』 大學里出去野炊需要注意什麼 知乎
1 應盡量在堅硬、平坦的地上搭帳篷,不要在河岸和乾涸的河床上扎營。
2 帳篷的入版口要背風,帳篷要遠離有滾權石的山坡。
3 為避免下雨時帳篷被淹,應在蓬頂邊線正下方挖一條排水溝。
4 帳篷四角要用大石頭壓住。
5 帳篷內應保持空氣流通,在帳篷內做飯要防止著火。
6 晚間臨睡前要檢查是否熄滅了所有火苗,帳篷是否固定結實了。
7 為防止蟲子進入,可在帳篷周圍撒一圈煤油。
8 帳篷面最好朝南或東南面能夠看到清晨的陽光,營地盡量不要在棱脊或山頂上。
9 至少要有凹槽地,不要搭於溪旁,如此晚上不會太冷。
10 營地選於沙地,草地,或岩屑地等排水佳的營地。
『肆』 《野炊經歷》大學英語作文
"Pi Pi Para Para, a whip," later, the family sat around a table for dinner. At this time, aunt proposed program, youagree. Needless to say, the first program is certainly a small led the "children's help, they hold hands and sing and dance, really cute. We then go on stage is "Youth" in dragon song led us to provoke the youthful vigor. "Alt" to be outdone, singing "happy family". The finale is grandmother grandfather's "Yangge Dance". Self recordingyangko dance on two elderly people in the dining room is twisted up. My grandfather holding a red fan, keptshaking, a small gold paper flashing light, reflect our one family laughing; grandma turned more vigorously, his hands with a red silk ribbon like two red butterfly in her. In the warm applause, the two old people got the first prize in the contest "program".
『伍』 大學的英語作文題目為「周末野炊」具體要寫什麼
『陸』 廣州大學城有野戰基地嗎能燒烤野炊嗎大學城野戰基地打CS野戰好嗎
『柒』 呈貢大學城哪裡可以野炊。