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發布時間: 2021-01-05 15:11:15


1. sight
2. landscape

cultural landscape
geochemical landscape
highway landscape
landscape ecology
natural landscape
geochemical symbol of landscape
landscape geochemistry map
cultural landscape theory
typomorphic element in landscape
Kanasi Integrated Nature Landscape Protect Region
The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders.

Ⅱ 建築和園林景觀的專業詞彙及英文詞彙!


Ⅲ 關於著名景點的英語單詞有哪些

the great wall長城
the summer palace頤和園
the Imperial Palace故宮
world's end in Hainan海南島天涯海角
Chengde Imperial Summer Resort承德避暑山莊
Temple of Heaven天壇
figurines of soldiers and horses from the Qin Mausoleum秦陵兵馬俑
the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River長江三峽
Mount Huang of Anhui安徽黃山
the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan台灣日月潭
the Crescent Moon Lake月牙泉
Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟
桂林 Guilin
陽朔 Yangshuo
象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill
獨秀峰the peak of unique beauty
七星岩the seven star crag
疊彩山 Piled Silk Hill
駱駝山 Camel Hill
灕江游 cruise on the Li River
三山曉色 three Hill at Dawn
青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water
月牙山 Crescent Hill
千佛岩Cliff of Thousand Buddhas
滇池 Lake Dianchi
黑龍潭 Black Dragon Pool
珠江夜遊 Pearl River Night Cruise
岷江Minjiang river
野生動物園 Safari Park
中國民俗文化村 China Folk Culture Villages
佛教四大名山Four famous Buddhist Mountains
五台山 Wutai Mountain
普陀山 Mount Putuo
九華山 Jiuhua Mountain
峨嵋山 Mount Emei
五嶽 China』s five great / sacred mountains
武當山 Wudang Mountain
嵩山 Songshan Mountain
少林寺 Shaolin Temple
泰山 Mount Tai
岱廟 Dai Temple
日光頂Riguan Peak - the Sun Watching Peak
玉皇頂 Peak of the Heavenly Emperor
黃山 Mount Huangshan; Yellow Mountain
迎客松 Guest-Greeting Pine
半山寺Mid-Hill Temple
雲谷寺 Cloudy Valley Temple
光明頂Bright Summit
天都峰 Heavenly Capital Peak
蓮花峰 Lotus Peak
奇松strangely-shaped pines
怪石grotesque rock formations
雲海seas of clouds
溫泉hot springs
紫金山天文台 Purple Mountain Observatory
南天門The Heavenly Southern Gate
午門meridian gate
天壇 the Temple of Heaven
紫禁城the Forbidden City
故宮the Imperial Place
故宮博物院 the Palace Museum
迴音壁echo wall
居庸關Juyongguan pass
長壽山the longevity hill
九龍壁the nine dragon wall
黃龍洞the yellow dragon cave
大清真寺great mosque
黃帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum
十三陵Ming Tombs
中山陵Dr. Sun Yat-sen』s Mausoleum
成吉思汗陵 Mausoleum of Genghis Khan
魯迅故居Luxun』s former residence
(重慶)渣滓洞 Cinder Cave
(重慶)紅岩村 Red Crag Village
(延安) 寶塔山 Pagoda Hill
東方威尼斯Oriental Venice
蘇州園林 Suzhou gardens
獅子林 Lion Grove Garden
怡園 Joyous Garden
留園lingering Garden
網師園 Garden of the Master of Nets
耦園 (諧音偶,佳偶之意) Garden of Couple』s Retreat
西湖 West Lake
蘇堤 Su Causeway
白堤 Bai Causeway
斷橋 Broken Bridge
外西湖 Outer West Lake
布達拉宮Potala Palace
日月潭 Lake Sun Moon
名勝古跡places of scenic beauty and historical interests / scenic spots and historical sites
堡fort, fortress
長廊The Long Corridor
鼓樓 drum-tower
荷塘lotus pond
湖石假山Lakeside rocks and rockeries
祭壇 altar
九曲橋Bridge of Nine Turnings
廊 corridor
陵墓 emperor』s mausoleum/tomb
樓 tower; mansion
牌樓pailou, decorated archway
水榭 pavilion on the water
塔 pagoda; tower
台 terrace
亭閣 pavilion
亭台樓閣pavilions, terraces, and towers; a general reference to the elaborate Chinese architecture
行宮A temporary imperial palace
柱pillar, column, post
碑刻, 碑文, 碑銘inscriptions on a tablet
碑林the forest of steles, tablet forest
碑座 pedestal of the tablet
壁畫 murals; fresco
避暑山莊 mountain resort
避暑勝地 summer resort
冬季旅遊勝地Winter resort
度假勝地 holiday resort
佛教勝地 Buddhist resort
滑雪勝地Ski resort
火山 volcano
青山green hill
場所site, venue, locale, seat
道觀Taoist temple
道教名山Taoist mountain
地下軍團buried legion
雕像 statue
定情之物token of love
洞穴/岩洞 cave; cavern
仿古製品 antique replica
高超工藝 superior workmanship
孤柏Lone cypress
古董antique, antiquity, curio
古跡place of historical interest
古建築群 ancient architectural / building complex
古墓 ancient tomb
古松Age-old pine trees
古玩店 antique/curio shop
國家公園 national park
海平面Sea level
號稱五嶽之首 rank first of the five great mountains in china
甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells
建築風格Architectural style
江南水鄉 south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River
領略自然景觀的魅力 appreciate the charms of natural landscape
蜜月度假勝地 honeymoon resort
名山 famous mountain / mountain resort
名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers
摩崖石刻Carved out of a cliff
瀑布 waterfall, fall
小瀑布 cascade
飛瀑plunging waterfall
曲徑winding path
人文景觀places of historic figures and cultural heritage
溶洞water-eroded cave
溶岩景色,喀斯特地貌Karst scenery
石舫 stone boat
石灰池Calcified pond
石灰岩洞limestone cave
石窟 grotto
石牌Stone steles
石橋Stone bridge
石像Portrait stone
世界第八大奇跡eighth wonder of the world
世界七大奇跡seven wonders of the world
世界文化遺產保護地World Heritage Sites (WHS)
世界之窗 Window of the World
書法真跡 calligraphic relics
水鄉景色 riverside scenery
私家園林Private garden
四大奇觀Four wonders
天下第一洞The most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world
天下第一泉The finest spring under heaven
武當功夫 Wudang martial arts
險峰perilous peaks
香格里拉Shangri-la (earthly paradise or utopia -- generally secluded and peaceful)
雪峰snow-topped peaks
雪山Snow-capped mountain
釉面磚Glazed tile
花園 imperial garden
園林建築Garden architecture
原始森林virgin forest
植物園botanical garden
主題公園 theme park
自然景觀natural attraction; natural landscape / scenery
綜合建築building complex
坐佛Sitting Buddha
歷史人文 history-related
春秋時期The Spring and Autumn Period
吐蕃王國Tubo Kingdom
舊石器時代Paleolithic times
清朝帝王Qing emperors
文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng
春秋時代The Spring and Autumn Period
大思想家和教育家A great thinker and ecator
慈禧太後Empress Dowager CiXi
祭祀offer sacrifices
皇妃Imperial concubine
丞相Prime minister
太監Court eunuch
古裝Ancient costume
歷代various dynasty
少數民族ethnic minority
納西族Naxi minority
阿壩藏族自治州Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
古代器具Ancient utensils
吉尼斯世界紀錄The Guinness Book of World Records
公元 AD
公元前 BC
歷史文物historical relics
歷史遺跡Historical site
青銅器Bronze ware
文人men of letters
雅士refined scholars
文物cultural relics
西域western countries
兵馬俑 Terra Cotta Warriors
秦始皇陵墓 the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin
敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes/Caves,Dunhuang
壁畫 murals
彩繪 painted sculptures
鳴沙山 Singing Sands Mountain
月牙泉 the Crescent Moon Lake
長江三峽 Three Gorges on the Yangtze River
瞿塘峽 Qutang Gorge
巫峽 Wu Gorge
西陵峽 Xiling Gorge
廣西桂林 Guilin, Guangxi
獨秀峰 Solitary Beauty Peak
疊彩山 Folded Brocade Hill
伏波山 Fubo Hill
象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill
七星山 Seven Star Hill
駱駝山 Camel Hill
灕江 Li River
杭州西湖 West Lake, Hangzhou
In heaven there is paradise, on earth Hangzhou and Suzhou.
I would like to compare West Lake to Xi Shi, the ancient beauty.
Charming she looks whether richly made up or only slightly so.

蘇堤 Su Causeway
白堤 Bai Causeway
靈隱寺 Temple of the Soul』s Retreat
飛來峰 Peak Flying from Afar
六合塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies
虎跑泉 Tiger Spring
黃山 Mt. Huangshan
「天下第一奇山」 the most fantastic mountain under heaven
Having visited the five sacred mountains, I deem it unnecessary to look at any other.

Upon my return from Mt. Huangshan, no longer do I find it worthwhile to look at the five sacred mountains.

「三奇」:巧石、奇松、雲海 the three wonderful features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, and the sea of clouds

「四絕」:巧石、奇松、雲海、溫泉 the four unique features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hotsprings

紫禁城 The Forbidden City
太和門 Gate of Supreme Harmony
太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony
中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony
保和殿 Hall of Preserved Harmony
文華殿 Hall of Literary Harmony
武英殿 Hall of Martial Valour
文淵閣 Pavilion of Literary Source
四庫全書 Complete Library of the Four Treasures of Knowledge
南蕈殿 South Fragrance Hall
西六宮 Six Western Palaces
東六宮 Six Eastern Palaces
乾清宮 Palace of Celestial Purity
乾清門 Gate of Celestial Purity
坤寧宮 Palace of Terrestrial Tranquility
養心宮 Hall of Mental Cultivation
奉先殿 Hall for Ancestry Worship
寧壽宮 Palace of Tranquil Longevity
樂壽堂 Hall of Joyful Longevity
御花園 Imperial Garden
蘇州園林 Suzhou Gardens
拙政園 the Humble Administrator』s Garden
留園 the Lingering Garden
環秀山莊 the Mountain Villa with Embracing
獅子林 the Lion Forest Garden
網師園 the Master-of-Nets Garden
滄浪亭 the Canglang Pavilion; the Surging Waves Pavilion

Ⅳ 關於著名景點的英語單詞有哪些


金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今蘇丹和埃及境內。現在的尼羅河下游,散布著約80座金字塔遺跡。 大小不一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底長230米,共用230萬塊平均每塊2.5噸的石塊砌成,佔地52000平方公尺。

2、The Great Wall(萬里長城)

長城(The Great Wall),又稱萬里長城,是中國古代的軍事防禦工程,是一道高大、堅固而連綿不斷的長垣,用以限隔敵騎的行動。長城不是一道單純孤立的城牆,而是以城牆為主體,同大量的城、障、亭、標相結合的防禦體系。

3、Terracotta Army(兵馬俑)



4、the Eiffel Tower(埃菲爾鐵塔)

埃菲爾鐵塔(法語:La Tour Eiffel;英語:the Eiffel Tower)矗立在塞納河南岸法國巴黎的戰神廣場,於1889年建成,是當時世界上最高的建築物。埃菲爾鐵塔得名於設計它的著名建築師、結構工程師古斯塔夫·埃菲爾,全部由施耐德鐵器(現施耐德電氣)建造。

5、Leaning Tower of Pisa(比薩斜塔)

比薩斜塔(義大利語:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa,英語:Leaning Tower of Pisa)建造於1173年8月,是義大利比薩城大教堂的獨立式鍾樓,位於義大利托斯卡納省比薩城北面的奇跡廣場上。

Ⅳ 關於 景觀 分析圖的一些專用詞彙,英語翻譯 急!

Traffic analysis chart
landscape analysis chart
function structure analysis chart
design mentality graphic chart

main stream of people collection and distribution center
secondary stream of people collection and distribution center

elder brother special rock and roll style villa area Goth Rock
metal rock and roll style villa area Metal
village rock and roll style villa area Country-Rock
main landscape spool thread
main landscape node
secondary landscape node
on land landscape line of sight
aquatic landscape viewpoint line of sight

Ⅵ 常用建築設計類的英語詞彙

enclosure圍欄、void空間,虛體、edifice大廈,體系、aisle走廊、nave (教堂)的正廳、chapel教堂、cathedral大教堂、balustrade欄桿、colonnade柱廊、ornament裝飾、tensile空的、housing住房、quarters住宅,等等。



1、讀音:英[ɪn'kləʊʒə(r)] 美[ɪn'kloʊʒər]


3、例句:Please see enclosure for details.



1、讀音:英[kə'θiːdrəl] 美[kə'θiːdrəl]


3、例句:Photography is strictly forbidden in the cathedral.



1、讀音:英['edɪfɪs] 美['edɪfɪs]


3、例句:This edifice is used as a working place.



1、讀音:英[aɪl] 美[aɪl]


3、例句:It's down on the end of this aisle.



1、讀音:英[neɪv] 美[neɪv]


3、例句:People gathered in the nave of the house.


Ⅶ 一些自然景觀的英語單詞

water, rain, snow, storm, light,
volcano, tonado, wind, gust, typhoon,
fog, cloud, ice, weather, season,
rock, tree, grass, earth, cave,
brook, stream, waterfall, river, sea,
ocean, summit, peak, mountain, hill,
pest, animal, plant, fruit, berry,
rose, grain, corn, valley, edge,
ridge, gorge, plateau, basin, highland,
swamp, bank, trench, lake, flower,
star, sun, moon, sky, night,
stone, meadow, forest,rainbow, land

Ⅷ 用英語介紹一處景觀30個單詞以內

The Great Wall
The Great Wall was first built in ancient China. It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort. The greatest part of the Great Wall is in Beijing. It is called "Badaling". It is 7.8 metres high on an average. And it is 6.6 metres wide at the bottom while 5.8 metres wide on the top. The Great Wall is visited by thousands of people coming from different countries. A Chinese saying goes like this," You are not a true man until you get to the Great Wall."
Great Wall長城,中國長城計算機集團公司,從事PC開發和生產的國有大型企業; 長城站
built in安裝在裡面的
ancient China古代中國
tourist resort觀光勝地
in Beijing京中
high on喜愛
at the bottom在底部
by thousands數以千計,大批大批地
like this這樣地,如此; 這般; 這么; 這么樣
true man大丈夫;好漢

Ⅸ 景觀設施設計用英語的專業術語如何講

Landscape design facilities

Ⅹ 英文中有幾種表示風景的單詞

landscape 用於復自然景色風光,制寬廣的,

view 場景或遠景,風景畫, the view from the tower

scenery 尤指鄉村的自然景色,也可以指舞檯布景。

scene現場,景象,the scene of the crime,也可以指電影中的一組鏡頭

outlook 態度,前途,瞭望處,

prospect 呈現在眼前的景物 同scene。

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