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發布時間: 2020-11-23 09:29:57

Ⅰ 淺談如何做好樓盤售樓處景觀設計

售樓處景觀對買家極具吸引力、震撼力,這在其形成良好品牌形象過程中功不可沒。本文主要針對如何做好樓盤售樓處景觀設計進行了全面探討。關鍵詞:售樓處;景觀設計;措施Abstract : Good sales offices landscape design, is to show the design concept development, important means to strive for the customer in the first time transactions. Sales offices landscape attractive to buyers, shock, which in its form a good brand image process not. In this paper, how to do real estate sales offices landscape design a comprehensive discussion.Key words: sales offices; landscape design; measures中圖分類號:TU986.2 文獻標識碼:A文章編號:2095-2104(2013)1-0020-031售樓處景觀設計原則售樓處是一個交易性場所,是一個公共展示的空間,最主要的功能就是銷售樓盤,因此售樓處景觀設計應有以下三原則:展示性、體驗性和可持續性。

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