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發布時間: 2021-01-26 20:31:34

① IDU是什麼

Joint Business Center of International Design Union (IDU) is a global associated design group, which unites high-end design firms and indivial designers in different design fields from all over the world. Taking the respective advantages and technology of the rich design resources as capital, the global associated design group carried on global operation with a unified associated brand image IDU. The Joint Business Center of IDU is responsible for unified management and dispatching in associated design groups』 business, contract, quality, schele and staff, etc. All the members share the interests in accordance with the different workload.

Owing to the international perspective and development strategy of global integration, IDU creatively achieved a cross-border joint operation in design instry. The unique business model of IDU brings the international high-end design resources and advanced design concepts together to offer more specialized one-stop service for customers in different phrases: design, implementation and promotion, etc.

Currently, JBCIDU cooperates with more than 40 international design firms from 17 countries, and 16 design teams directly facilitated to IDU, with business ranges cover design pre-stage consultation, planning design, architecture design, landscape design and interior design.

There are five independent divisions under JBCIDU including 「design division, associated exhibition division, training division, IT division,and investment and financing division」. In the spirit of specialty division and highly collaboration, five divisions support the core work of 「design」 and the business operation. The function of the five divisions is:

IDU 設計事業部
Design Division
Cooperating with professional elite design teams in the fields of planning, architecture, landscape and interior from all over the world through professional and scaled management, IDU Design Division provides the one-stop service to customers from pre-project consultation, selecting proper professional design teams, to the control of design progress by appointed person and review of the final works.

Based on its mode of 「Design + Management + Service」, IDU merges the collective wisdom of the world』s excellent designers, ensuring the perfect integration of the design work and the market, and upgrading the value of procts for the customers to a maximum extent!

IT Divison
IT Division, based on professional technology, enables IDU to realize comprehensive corporate information construction of intelligent management and virtual office by taking advantage of professional resources and integrated corporate information through online business operation.
The unique platform assists IDU headquarter and the associated cooperators from all over the world to realize the timeliness of communication effects, intelligentization of quality control and the sharing of design resources.

IDU 聯展事業部
Associated Exhibition Division
IDU Associated Exhibition Division has built a joint exhibition and cooperation platform for the outstanding design talents and associated design cooperators, and for spreading advanced design concepts.

IDU 培訓事業部
Training Division
IDU Training Division mainly provides professional counseling and guidance as well as training service for the institutions such as the design company and the government department, etc.

IDU 房地產投融資咨詢
IDU Real Estate Investment and Financing Consultation Department
IDU Real Estate Investment and Financing Consultation Department is an investment service organization, which aims at resolving project funding shortage problem for the customers.

② 什麼是IDU(埃迪優)

IDU是Joint Business Center of International Design Union的英文縮寫,即世界設計聯盟聯合業務中心。世界設計聯盟聯合業務中心(JBCIDU)是一個全球性的聯盟設計機構,該機構將世界各地的高端設計公司和設計師聯合到一起,以統一的聯營品牌形象(IDU埃迪優)對外接洽設計業務,並由IDU總部統一進行規范品質管理。同時,IDU以自主研發的、設計領域專用的智能化互聯網管理平台和全球高端設計聯展聯營等方式,創新實現了設計行業跨國界的聯合運營。IDU以國際視野和全球一體化的發展戰略,匯聚了世界各地高端設計資源和先進設計理念,為客戶的設計、實施和推廣運營等各個環節的需求提供專業化的一站式服務,是一個跨國界高端設計品牌大聯合的國際聯營設計機構和設計聯盟組織。目前,世界設計聯盟聯合業務中心旗下擁有國內聯營團隊15個和遍布五大洲的國際聯營設計公司與團隊40多家,業務涵蓋設計前期咨詢、規劃設計、建築設計、景觀設計、室內設計等多個設計領域。
通過 「設計+管理+服務」的IDU模式,IDU能夠為客戶提供前期設計咨詢到最後實施效果把控的一站式服務,使客戶在設計、推廣、運營等各個環節中涉及到的所有需求,都能夠在IDU的一站式智能服務中得到滿足,從而省去了客戶尋找各個環節和專各業設計師所浪費的人力、物力、財力,讓設計創新需求和設計最終實施完美契合。此外,IDU的客戶對項目設計團隊的選擇范圍也不再拘泥於中國市場,而是擴展到全球范圍,並得到最原汁原味的設計風格和先進設計理念及從項目操控到運營管理等各方面的大量增值服務。
IDU有什麼優勢? (原題:IDU模式有什麼優勢)
IDU的成員單位和業務拓展覆蓋世界各地,設計力量的強強聯合、中外理念的互融、各個專業的互通,技術與管理的互補、設計師與項目方的互動,這一切都為了能更專業和系統的服務於客戶項目,讓合作過程順暢省心,實現共贏,為未來共同發展提供長足保障! 同時,IDU為成員單位提供了廣納賢才、組織管理,公關宣傳,業務拓展等方面的公共服務, 不僅節約了大量的公司營運成本,讓整個運營更為系統和高效。
世界各國文化的交融,為IDU 蓄積了大量俱有深層價值的寶藏。IDU的精細化評估體制為客戶迅速精準定位團隊,大大節省考察探尋的開支,每支設計團隊均須通過的層層審核,都經得起時間和實踐的推敲考驗。此外,IDU還重視人才培養,鼓勵甚至投資設計師建立自己的團隊,成立自己的公司,擁有自己的事業。IDU認為——人才的成功才是集體的成功!
3. 智能管理,系統服務
IDU率先自主研發的具有項目管理、協同辦公、客戶反饋、圖文管理、視頻會議等功能的智能操作平台軟體以互聯網運作的方式,避免了公司區域網的限制,讓溝通效應即時化,品質控管智能化,全球資源共享化! 設計師們可就項目方關於規劃、建築、環境設計等方面的咨詢進行直接解答。團隊作品更新及國際各專業研發成果都將通過該平台傳遞到每個項目方面前。
4. 品質控管,價值保障

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