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發布時間: 2020-12-29 05:56:55

Ⅰ 我玩牧場物語的GBA模擬器是英文,誰能告訴我怎樣用英文使用金手指



泡菜冷豆腐 Kimchi cold bean curd 翻譯結果 香芒芝士魚腩壽司 Sweet mans cheese three-point banker sushi 芝士三文魚壽司 Cheese salmon sushi 日式溫泉蛋 Japanese boiled eggs 炙燒帶子壽司 Foreman burned tape sushi 和味牛專蒡 ?這飯菜是你屬自己編的吧?鰹魚刺身skipjack sashimi

Ⅲ 中文翻譯英文!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone, this is my DUTY REAPORT, I was entitled HOILDAY IN JAPAN, please keep quiet, and listen to my attention DUTY REAPORT, you can at the end of my question.

I will introce you to some of Japan's famous cities:
東京 Tokyo
銀座 Ginza
箱根 Hakone
橫濱 Yokohama
名古屋 Nagoya
秋葉原 Akihabara
Tokyo is the capital of Japan, Tokyo is the famous Tokyo Tower, it's like the Great Wall of China like the famous, but I personally think that we have more of the Great Wall.
Tokyo Disneyland is the first Disney theme park in Asia, Tokyo Disneyland was built in 1983, Asia is another Disneyland Hong Kong Disneyland.
Ginza Japan is a very famous shopping, like Hong Kong's Tsim Sha Tsui, as long as it is to love the people will resort to,
Especially girls, girls are certainly going to Japan Ginza oh ~
Afterward, Hakone, the most famous non-Hakone none other than Fuji, perennial snow, and it is a volcano, but it seldom the number of outbreaks.
Hakone Tai Chung Valley Jichou immense, and said Tai Chung Valley Spa eggs, a can Yanshou seven years!
Yokohama dream park is not very well-known, somewhat like our Happy Valley, but I recommend you to play Yokohama dream park.
Nagoya is also known for food, tempura, rice balls, Zhaha, beef and laver… If you eat the finest Japanese cuisine must be going to Nagoya!
Japanese animation Akihabara is the place, and also my personal liking….

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