Ⅰ 保護環境後的居民生活的改變
2001-08-13 水信息網
為治理城市水環境,北京市共投資11億元人民幣,清淤178萬立方米, 挖土方 148萬立方米,新增岸邊綠地62公頃,新增水面15公頃。
為治理城市水環境,北京市共投資11億元人民幣,清淤178萬立方米, 挖土方 148萬立方米,新增岸邊綠地62公頃,新增水面15公頃。
Ⅱ building用英文讀
英 ['bɪldɪŋ] 美 ['bɪldɪŋ]
[建] 建築物
building 綠色建築
Building 克萊斯勒大廈
Building 箭牌大廈
Ⅲ 美術設計類的學生考研都考什麼,怎麼報名,都必須考畫畫嗎是不是多要求英語成績吶
050403美術學 6
01書法史論 ①101政治②201英語或202 俄 語或203日語③338美術史論④ 804漢字與古漢語 報考01、02方向考生交報名材料時附書法作品一幅(原件或照片),附已發表的論文一至兩篇。
02書法技法研究 同上
03美術創作與研究(油畫) ①101政治②201英語或202 俄 語或203日語③338美術史論④ 805美術創作與技法研究 報考03方向考生必須在北京報名並附作品.復試:創作構圖。
專業代碼. 研究方向 專 業 考 試 科 目 導 師 及 其 研 究 方 向
050403 美術學專業
1、架上繪畫研究 (1)素描人物 (2)油畫人物 章德明教授:新具象表現油畫 姜建忠教授:新具象油畫黃阿忠教授:現代中國油畫 李朝華副教授:油畫風景與靜物金晶石副教授:架上繪畫新具象寫實表現 李躍濱副教授:油畫人物浦 捷副教授、秦一峰副教授:現代架上繪畫
2、水墨畫研究 (1)水墨基礎 (2)命題創作 王孟奇教授:寫意人物畫 樂震文副教授:山水畫張培成教授:水墨的延伸與演進 韓 峰副教授:實驗水墨 湯寶玲副教授:花鳥畫 肖素紅副教授:綜合材料與技法研究
3、雕塑藝術研究 (1)素描人體 (1)泥塑人體 楊劍平教授:新具象雕塑研究 張海平教授:現代公共雕塑王建國副教授:材質與雕塑(主攻木雕)劉建華副教授:當代雕塑創作 夏陽副教授:架上具象雕塑
4、絲網版畫研究 (1)素描 (2)色彩 周國斌副教授:絲網版畫 徐龍寶副教授:木刻版畫研究王德源副教授:版畫語言研究
5、美術史研究 (1)美術史 (2)美術理論 潘耀昌教授:近現代美術史、公共藝術研究 陳 平教授:西方美術史徐建融教授:中國書畫與實踐美術史學 李超副教授:東西方美術交流 王洪義教授:視覺形式分析、西方後現代美術
6、素描藝術研究 (1)素描 (2)速寫 於樹彬教授:素描藝術研究
1、公共視覺傳達設計研究 (1)人物線描寫生 (2)平面設計 黃建平教授:公共視覺傳達、CI設計、招貼杜士英副教授:招貼、圖形、導向藝術設計 董衛星副教授:視覺傳達
2、環境藝術設計研究 (1)環境藝術設計基礎(2)環境藝術設計理論 田雲慶副教授:室內與室外環境藝術設計 劉森林副教授:室內設計 何小青副教授:室內外環境設計及其理論廖志豪副教授:環境藝術設計
3、裝飾壁畫研究 (1)人物線描寫生(2)壁畫創作 楊清泉教授:裝飾環境藝術研究(壁畫)阮祖隆副教授:西洋傳統壁畫
4、數碼交互藝術研究 (1)造型基礎(非藝術類專業考生考:邏輯演義)(2)創意文案 汪大偉教授:互動創作研究
5、材料(玻璃)藝術研究 (1)素描人物 (2)色彩靜物 庄小蔚副教授等:玻璃藝術、陶瓷藝術、綜合材料藝術、飾品藝術
6、現代建築研究 (1) 中外建築藝術史(2) 中外建築形態設計原理 武雲霞教授:地域文化與現代建築創新 蔡鎮鈺教授:生態建築設計陳海龍高級工程師:城市軌道交通公共空間設計研究王海松副教授:建築形態及環境
7、城市藝術體驗設計研究 (1) 城市藝術體驗原理(2) 城市藝術體驗設計 關陽:城市藝術體驗設計
8、會展藝術與技術 (1) 會展設計理論(2) 會展策劃設計 郭力教授、費欽生研究員、汪均益教授註:新增方向。報考本研究方向的考生須在網報時選擇研究方向02環境藝術設計研究,在專業考試報名時向美術學院教務辦公室說明並經考生本人簽字確認後,發本研究方向的專業課考試准考證。
美術傳播的理論及歷史 (1) 中外美術史(2) 傳播學及美術出版基礎知識 陳 平教授:美術傳播理論及歷史
Ⅳ 急求 國外著名建築師的關於建築文獻 要英文版的
【作者單位】:南京工業大學建築與城市規劃學院;南京工業大學建築與城市規劃學院 碩士研究生;210009;碩士研究生;210009
Generally stating the concept and the expression of ecological buildings and comparing Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster's theories and works of ecological buildings to learn and acknowledge ecological buildings, this article wants to stimulate Chinese architects' attention and consideration of ecological buildings by the outstanding achievement of the two masters.
【Keyword】:Thomas Herzog, Norman Foster, Ecological building, Expression form of ecological building, Theory of ecological building, Ecological esthetic
Ⅳ 土木選修第二專業,建築學和英語專業,哪個好
建築學:培養具備建築設計、城市規劃、設計、裝飾設計能力,主要在建設和管理部門從事 建築與城市的規劃、設計研究、教育、開發和管理工作的高級工程技術人才。本專業開設公共必修、專業必修,限選和任選等系列課程,同時輔以參觀實習實踐性教學環節。
主要專業基礎和專業課:高等 數學、建築表現(素描、色彩、水粉、速寫、建築畫)、畫法幾何與陰影透視、建築設計基礎、建築力學、建築材料、建築測量、建築構造、中國建築史、外國建築史、建築結構、計算機輔助設計、建築物理、居住建築設計、公共建築、室內設計、區域規劃設計、城市規劃及設計、城市建設史、景觀園林、環境心理學、設計方法論、建築設備、建築防火設計、建築節能、智能與生態建築及城市設計。
主要專業基礎和專業課:高等數學、普通 物理、工程化學、畫法幾何與建築制圖、工程數學、工程測量、理論力學、材料力學、結構力學、工程流體力學、工程地質,混凝土結構、砌體結構、房屋建築學、土力學與基礎工程,鋼結構、建築施工、建築經濟與企業管理、建築電工學、建設法規、建築設備、彈性力學、結構可靠性、房地產開發與投資、建築招標預算、數值計算方法、高層建築結構、結構抗震設計、計算機輔助設計、結構優化、樁基設計、原位測試、工程事故處理、特種結構、建築機械、工程成本控制、工程項目管理、工程監理、城市科學、城市管理、市政工程學。
Ⅵ 在線等英語翻譯!!!!
Oikos comes from Greece, originally intended to "home" and "residence" and later derived ecological meaning.Architect Paul from in the 1960 of the 20th century.Paola soleri made "ecological architecture" this concept so far, its meaning is constantly extended and expanded.Ecological construction is the basic principles of using ecological principles, moderate use and transformation of nature, seeking the most appropriate sustainable support environment for human survival and development, the built environment as an organic, with the structure and function of the overall system to maintain.This design was named the Qikos was absorbed the idea of eco-building, move to the roof landscape, ecology and integrated shopping and leisure Office, so called for the breath of the city commercial complex.
Construction body streamline design, graceful curves add rhythm to the building itself, appeared in the hectic urban life more lively, vivid features.However the design of the "dynamic" and "static".Roof gardens beautiful, can be described as the oxygen bar in the city, static and a cup of coffee, overlooking the city, plus the building itself in the design of simple but elegant color and highlights "static".As with the design theme "Oikos", in urban life "eco" meaning of harmonious coexistence of man and nature.
Ⅶ 誰能幫忙翻譯這段英文急~~~不要用在線翻譯
Ⅷ 英語翻譯風水
Analysis of the residential environment and geomancy Abstract : A residential environment is not only closely related to people's life but also indivisible space environment, and the traditional Chinese geomancy science, is China's ancient cultural heritage and the accumulation of gathering geological geography, ecology, Landscape Architecture, architecture, ethics, esthetics to an integration and ancient Chinese architectural essence of the theory of learning. Fengshui ,Although the contents have not been solved by many scientific principles, but in reality has guided the Chinese people's everyday life. With China's growing economy development, people's standard of living continues to improve, people of their living environment of increasing demand humane, more and more people pursue their own inner space to be harmony, ecology, green . Keywords : residential environment, Fengshui and the living environment in harmony, ecology, green
A residential environment is closely related to people's life, indivisible space environment, and the traditional Chinese geomancy science, China's ancient cultural heritage and the accumulation of gathering geological geography, ecology, Landscape Architecture, architecture, ethics, Aesthetics is an integrated and systematic very ancient Chinese architectural essence of the theory of learning. Fengshui Although the contents have not been many scientific principles are solved, but in reality has guided the Chinese people's everyday life. With China's growing economic development, people's standard of living continues to improve, people of their living environment of increasing demand humane, more and more people pursue their own inner space is harmony, ecology, green space.
Ⅸ l綠色化用英語怎麼說
greening; greenization; green; green chemistry
The article analyses several measures of the environment of reverse logistics.
Today, when we advocate sustainable development and ecological architecture, the ecotypic underground architecture is an unavoidable topic.
Ⅹ 建築專業英語文章 滿意的話追加分~!!! 急~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a culture rooted in the natural environment of Habitat
Different geographical They certainly have different natural environment: topography, sunshine point of view, sun and tides, currents and winds, temperature, pressure, food, land, water, vegetation and so on. As an intermediary between man and nature of the construction, the external should be concive to the formation of district external environment should be concive to the protection of the domestic indoor environment Habitat. These buildings, like plants, the roots, making a day, or geographical areas of the natural environment suitable for the requirements of integration with nature.
In Southeast Asia and South Asia, in China's Hainan Island and Taiwan Island, Coconut Grove dense, hot weather, people with palm leaves, palm-leaf built to adapt to the tropical rainforest of thatched rooms, small, ventilation, cool, lightweight, simple , built a tropical rain forest building.
In Central Asia, West Asia, in China's western alpine region, people with stones, the mountain has been built on the powerful stone building, take shelter from the wind, blocking snow, heat, warm, building construction has become plateaus. Such as China, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and other ethnic minorities in China's western mountains and on the potential to build a wide variety of mountain building.
Loess Plateau in China, the Gobi Mobei, low rainfall, dry climate, people use the hillside slopes built tunneling room, built with distinct characteristics of immature soil construction. Gansu Dunhuang Art Exhibition Hall of the building buried in the hillside, the semi-open entrance connected hillside retaining wall, construction features of immature soil is very obvious.
In the eastern part of the United States, in Australia, in China's south, rainfall, mild climate, people use wood, brick and mountains on the potential, in line with local conditions, build a shade shelter from the rain, ventilation, styling and unique architectural humid areas.
These architectural forms, of various styles, suitable for different regions of the natural environment, with the landscape, vegetation, terrain together, forming a natural environment is rooted in a variety of architectural culture. Building both rooted in the natural environment, but also subject to the natural environment, this is the architects must follow a basic principle.
Second, the social space-time caused by environmental differences in the diversification of architectural culture
Different regions, different countries, different nations have different social and historical patterns. European countries, the Americas, Asia and Africa and other developing countries, land of different religious beliefs, economic development of the different regions have different cultural practices. Habitat in different parts of the social differences in time and space environment, resulting in the architectural culture and the diversity of time and space, resulting in ancient or modern Chinese architectural culture, the Russian architectural culture, architectural culture in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States Architectural Culture, the African Architectural Culture and so on. Ancient Greek architecture in Europe, North Africa, the ancient Egyptian architecture, the South Asian Association for the ancient Indian architecture, ancient Chinese architecture is the world's architectural and cultural history of ethnic origins. Catholic, Jesus taught, Hinism, Islam, Buddhism, such as the formation and development of religion, a profound impact on the religious beliefs of countries and regions, but also a profound impact on those areas of construction, forming a rich and colorful culture of religious architecture.
China several thousand years long history, has followed so far, both ancient and extensive, since ancient times by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, such as the impact of ethical thinking. Especially Confucianism ruled China for 2 000 years, deep-rooted. To this culture of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Zen eclectic variety of ideas, together brilliant, independent nations of the world.
Architectural Culture under certain conditions, can be transformed. Geographical, ethnic and cultural construction under certain conditions, can be transformed into international architectural culture, and international architectural culture can also be absorbed, the integration of the region and the national character of the new architectural culture. In today's world, building a culture of development and progress, both the transformation of the former to the latter, which also includes the absorption and integration of the former. The two also both opposing reunification, complement each other, affect each other and common development, only the protection and development of a variety of architectural culture of all ethnic groups, the promotion of world architectural culture of pluralism, and ultimately to create a "different and" the human society .
Three Chinese and foreign construction and cultural development and blend
Architectural Culture in the global "big culture" systems, all nationalities, all geographical construction symbiotic culture in this form the world's architectural culture Symphony. Social process of globalization has brought to the cultural collision with the rendezvous, conflict and blend.
For thousands of years, the Chinese culture to external sources of long. Buddhist culture have originated in India, Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions of the Western Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty Master Xuan Zang went to India to learn from their experience Chuan-by, the impact of China's 2,000 years of Buddhism. However, the contents of Buddhism, Buddha, like Maung, the shapes with the Chinese Buddhist temple in cultures, the formation and development of a unique Chinese Buddhist architectural culture.
As early as the 20th century, 20 years, China's modern architects returned from studying abroad, most of whom are scholars in the United States, they are building at the time of Western academic and cultural concepts and China Architectural Culture nationalistic concept of the double impact, emphasizing cultural exchange between Chinese and Western architecture focused on the architectural style for the first time a creative way to design a number of procts, creating a cultural exchange between Chinese and foreign construction of a new era. For example, the first batch of U.S. architect Mr. Lv Yan Canton 20's design Zhongshan Memorial Hall, Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing and so on, in the Chinese construction instry has played a really ground-breaking effect in stimulating the Chinese and foreign architectural culture of the integration process.
The early founding of New China, the Chinese government, mechanisms copied the Soviet model, the Chinese all over the building of a group of Russian cultural identity building construction, the formation and development of China's 50's "socialism" of architectural culture. Since reform and opening up, China's open-door once again, the introction of Western economic management model to imitate, "European style", RTHK construction, post-modernism almost swept the country, the formation and development of China's 80's "reform and opening-up" construction culture. It goes without saying that all countries in the world of architectural culture at that time are subject to local political systems, economic conditions, technical level of restraint, in conflict with each other, mutual exchanges, mutual influence, mutual integration. However, what kind of fusion and exchange with vitality, stand the test of time and space? Only those who learned the essence of eastern and western cultures, integration-oriented areas of national culture and national character of the construction only has great vitality.
Fourth, cultural exchange between old and modern architectural exploration and the pursuit of
Ancient and modern cultures, the past serve the present, what? Need to analyze the "ancient" and "today" in the construction of content changes that have taken place. These qualitative change is the social system, proction technology, living habits, work, cultural values, building materials in the construction sector caused by the inevitable result. As Mr. Wu Yurong in the evaluation of the French engineer Gustave. Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower noted: "People are trying to adapt to every human life an art form the new direction of development and to make all the human activities and the rapidly changing era of emotion caused by the new suit."
To explore ancient and modern blend of traditional architecture and modern architecture combining problem. China's traditional architectural culture has many features, such as the overall layout of buildings, in line with local conditions, and be full of change; architectural style, rich and colorful; space separated, flexible and diverse; interior decoration, pay attention to the connotation; color to use, colorful; garden green, it is implicitly lively, changeable, unique in the world. In the creation of modern architecture, the contemporary architects should learn from ancient architecture and cultural wealth of nutrition, according to the modernization of a wide range of requirements, from the analysis of the various contradictions in the exploration and pursuit of people's lives to adapt to the new direction of development and people's construction activities and the rapid caused by the changing times adapt to new emotions.
Since the founding of New China, focusing on the succession of Chinese tradition, carry forward the, creative architectural art of the problems the United States experienced a number of exploration and discussion. Experienced the liberation of the early to imitate the "big roof" retro nostalgia period; experienced a critical retro, and the Soviet "model" dogmatism stage; experienced the Cultural Revolution, servility to foreigners critical philosophy, the implementation of "dry-base hit," the poor ring the transition; experienced early advocate of reform and opening up the West, the popular "Hong Kong style" period. After exploring the difficulties and setbacks, China began to follow the traditional architect, to adapt to function, the use of high-tech, to explore ancient and modern cultures, the realization of the modernization of architectural creation of the correct way.
In this paper, talking about building a culture of environment and blend only preliminary study, many deep theoretical issues need further study. Our generation of architects should be firmly established the "scientific concept of architectural culture" to the Chinese culture as the main body, to accelerate the construction of culture and environment, and the nation, and society, and the blending process with the times.
一 建築文化根植於人居自然環境之中
二 社會時空環境差異造成建築文化的多元化
中國幾千年悠久的歷史文化,沿襲至今,既古老又博大,自古以來受到儒家、道家、佛教、禪宗等思想倫理的影響。特別是儒教統治中國2 000多年,根深蒂固。這種文化把儒、道、佛、禪各種思想觀念兼收並蓄,融為一體,光輝燦爛,獨立於世界民族之林。
建築文化在一定條件下是可以轉化的。地域、民族性的建築文化在一定條件下可以轉化為國際性建築文化,國際性建築文化也可吸收、融合新的地區與民族性建築文化。在當今世界裡,建築文化的發展和進步,既包含前者向後者的轉化,也包含後者對前者的吸收與融合。這兩者既對立又統一,相互補充,彼此影響,共同發展,只有保護和發展豐富多彩的各民族建築文化,促進世界建築文化的多元化構成,最終才能建立一個 「和而不同」的人類社會。
三 中外建築文化的發展與交融
四 古今建築文化交融的探索和追求