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發布時間: 2021-01-05 10:17:49

㈠ 英語翻譯 長隆水上樂園

Long-long water park - details
Long-long water park is the largest in Asia, the world's largest equipment, the most advanced water park. Long-long water park covering 200,000 square meters, from the internationally renowned Canadian拿人White Water Company (WHITE WATER) design. Park water treatment system to introce the world's most advanced ozone water treatment system, Central Reserve, so that water can not only fully comply with the requirements of national quality inspection departments, not better in the eyes and skin to stimulate the circumstances, the eradication of bacteria in the water signs, Park to change the water more pure, more secure. Park water play equipment are all world-class design and water sports equipment company to provide and won international awards, including Asia's first international tourism instry for 2006 "Award of the votes," "the best new projects," " Speaker "chute. Tourists sitting in the specially designed ring Siye Cao-floating inside from a height taxiing to a huge loudspeakers-cone inside, such as the tornado absorption into the feeling, especially for fresh like to experience the feelings of tourists; well as the international tourism Instry for two consecutive years 2005 and 2006 "Award of the votes," "Best Water Project" winner, a water roller coaster called the jet chute to bring tourists incredible gliding experience, is very suitable for stimulating challenges like the young tourists; Another current water park instry as the design of Carnival combination chute, which is the world's first use of new high-tech design of the thrills of high water slide, especially for family and friends of common experience. Long-long water park also owns International Travel Instry Association of honor recommended housing projects crazy tree pool, it is the world's largest theme-water play area, a variety of water slides and Wanshui activities of different age groups of tourists endless The joy and the other international travel trade associations honor recommend projects Jichi race, coupled with centrifugal chute and high-speed water slides and other play equipment, are very suitable for dancing like the war to stimulate young people. In addition long-long water park also has a total length of over 1,280 meters, the world's longest river rafting; total area of over 10,000 square meters, making waves to provide nine kinds of patterns, a maximum of 12 meters high tide of the world's largest wave pool made Super-made wave pool, and designed specifically for children of a variety of air chute infants and children Leisure Pool, and so on.

Long-long water park fare: Saturday / day fare of 110 yuan, 125 yuan for the usual fare.

長隆水上樂園是亞洲最大、世界設備最多、最先進的水上樂園。長隆水上樂園佔地20萬平方米,由國際知名的加拿人白水公司(WHITE WATER)設計。園內水處理系統引進世界最先進的臭氧水儲環處理系統,不僅能夠使水質完全符合國家質檢部門的要求,更能在完全不刺激眼睛和皮膚的情況下,消滅水中出現細菌的苗頭,使園內用水變的更純凈,更安全。園內所有水上游樂設備均由世界級水上設備公司設計及提供,並獲得過國際大獎,其中包括亞洲第一台獲得國際旅遊行業2006年度「金票獎」、「最佳新項目」的「大喇叭」滑道。遊客坐在特別設計的四葉草型浮圈裡面從高處滑行到一個巨大的大喇叭型圓錐體裡面,像是被龍卷風吸進去的感覺,特別適合喜歡體驗新鮮感受的遊客;還有國際旅遊行業2005和2006連續兩年「金票獎」「最佳水上項目」得主,有水上過山車之稱的噴射滑道能帶給遊客難以置信的滑行體驗,非常適合喜歡挑戰刺激的年輕遊客;另外還有目前水上樂園行業里最新的設計合家歡組合滑道,它是世界上首條運用新型高技術設計的驚險度極高的水上滑道,特別適合家人和朋友共同體驗。長隆水上樂園還擁有國際旅遊行業協會的榮譽推薦項目瘋狂樹屋池,它是世界上最大主題式的水上遊玩區,有著各種不同的水滑道和玩水活動提供不同年齡層的遊客無窮的歡樂;以及另一個國際旅遊行業協會榮譽推薦項目急馳競賽,加上離心滑道和高速滑道等水上游樂設備,都非常適合喜歡跳戰刺激的年輕人。此外長隆水上樂園還擁有總長度超過1280米,世界上最長的漂流河;總面積超過10000平方米,提供9種造浪模式,最高可形成12米高浪潮的世界上最大的造浪池超級造浪池;以及特別為兒童而設計的多種兒空滑道及兒童戲水池等等。


㈡ 長隆水上樂園用英語怎麼說

Changlong Aqua Theme Park

㈢ 廣州長隆水上樂園有哪些項目


㈣ 長隆水上樂園景點英文介紹

As a world famous water park, Guangzhou Chimelong Water Park was designed by
two internationally renowned Canadian theme park design companies——Whitewater
and Forrec with an area of 450 mu. As the largest and most advanced water park
in the world, all water rides in the park were imported, and most of them are
award-winning.The park uses most advanced ozone water filtration system to
provide guests with a clean, safe and exciting experience. Ever sinceits opening
in June 2007, Chimelong Water Park has drawn worldwide attention as a result of
its continuous effort to provide best service and environment, and has always
been favored by the media as an ideal place for outdoor shooting.

In order to provide a coolwater park in summerand unique experience of every
ride for tourists around the world, Chimelong Water Parkimproves service
continuouslywithfull consideration and detailed planning. There are Kids』 Aqua
Plaza, Children』s Play Land, Mini Tornado and Glacier Tunnel especially for
children; Lazy River, Wave Pool, Rain Fortress, Family Ride and Inner Tube for
family and friends; Tornado, Boomerango, Racing Slides, High Speed Slides,
Master Blaster and Behemoth Bowl for thrill seekers.

Chimelong Water Park presents not only excellent rides and equipments, but
also brilliant shows and performances. All the guests could have an incredible
and unique summer at Chimelong Water Park with hot beach beauties, Chimelong
Miss Bikini, ebullient Samba girls, bands and concerts.

Chimelong Water Park』snew zone——「 Village」 has been open to the public
since April 2012. Two world-class water rides——「Extreme River」 and 「Python」 were
introced in the new zone to allow guests have more exciting experience with
more huge waves and curves.Unlike other water parks, 「Aloha Village」 with an
area of 50 mu focuses more on the whole design with Hawaii style. There are
coconut trees, volcano pool,thatched huts and special area for children, which
bring moresurprise and enchantingexperience for guests.

Chimelong Water Park launched outdoor thermal system in 「Aloha Village」,
which is the first water park in Asia using such system. Thermal system allows
all guests to have fun at Water Park at the end of spring and at the beginning
of autumn. Chimelong Water Park is planning to build an indoor thermal water
park to keep itself on the cutting edge of water parks in the world.

After the completion of the new zone, the area of the whole Chimelong Water
Park stretches 450 mu. It is estimated thatthe new zone would receive 15000
guests per hour and 50000 per day. Chimelong Water Park will definitely receive
more than two million and one hundred thousand guests in a year, ranking it the
first popular water park internationally.

㈤ 我們將會去廣州長隆水上樂園的英文

We will go to Guangzhou Changlong Water Park

㈥ 廣州長隆水上樂園有哪些項目


大滑板滑道的形狀就是一個巨大的滑道加上一個巨大的 u 型滑板。6個人一組坐在浮圈上,從設備的最高處快速滑道最底部,然後借著巨大的慣性,繼續向上滑行到幾乎呈 90 度上揚角度的滑道上,然後再從幾乎垂直的滑道上借著地心引力自由滑落到平緩的地段。

㈦ 長隆水上樂園和長隆歡樂世界有區別嗎,有什麼區別


㈧ 廣州長隆水上樂園佔地面積

廣州長隆水上樂園佔地面積450畝,是由知名公司加拿大白水公司(WHITE WATER)以及知名主題樂園設計機構加拿大科力(FORREC)公司聯合設計的水上樂園。
世界主題娛樂協會TEA(Themed Entertainment Association)及顧問集團AECOM Economics在2013年公布的「全球最佳20個水上樂園」排行榜上,廣州長隆水上樂園榮登榜首 。

㈨ 廣州長隆水上樂園最刺激的是什麼




㈩ 在廣州長隆水上樂園玩的時候在放的一首英文歌是什麼


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