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發布時間: 2020-11-22 22:10:34

❶ 《格列佛游記》用「 」、「 」(國名)抨擊英國18世紀的資本主義統治,頗具()的色彩


❷ 英國游記作文2200字

有一天,假如我真的來到夢寐以求的英國,我一定會有一次不錯的旅行,一起來看一下我的 所見所聞吧!

❸ 高手來吧!誰有英語寫的英國游記

I finally had to go to "England"! I am quite happy, before all only can look in the calendar "the gothic style" the construction, this finally may witness these attractive grand constructions and the enchanting scenery.
Gently I walked, is similar to my gently coming, wields the sleeves of a dress, does not carry off clouds. Sat for 16 hours, the airplane also passed through the Hong Kong favorable turn, finally arrived Cambridge University which I longed for even in dreams.
Is well-known world university city - Cambridge, there has "king the institute", "31 institutes" and "the Claye institute".... "King the institute" in king the church is a representative which Cambridge constructs, also is the middle ages later period England building important model, "31 institutes" have the apple tree which the hometown moves from "Newton" for the commemoration "Newton" to discover "the gravitation". I also spent 8 pounds to sit "support the punting pole", circled Kang river well, Cambridge is really beautiful oh! ! !
Third days, we arrived one of European most beautiful cities "York", here is wards off the important important pass which "the North Sea young hero" raids, here
Has "England" entire grandest "the York cathedral", we also go to the stone street which becomes with the cobblestone shop, I also while convenient bought to have the commemoration key ring.
Fourth days, we arrived "Edinburgh", you believed the man puts on the skirt to be very attractive? You may Chang see put on the Scotland skirt on the Scotland road the bagpipe, you must photograph with him may, did not forget to give the money first, had to go to "the saint Luther imperial palace" originally to look at magnificent imperial family home adorn, but had "London" the subway to explode, therefore could not go, really was was a pity!
Fifth days, the lake district scenery really was too beautiful, along the way hillside fluctuation, carpet of green grass, as beautiful as a painting, walked in "the Peter rabbit" hometown, mother anxious description picture, finished attending the restroom to forget to take the belt-bag unexpectedly, certainly waited to think again went back, the great paper money all disappeared, the loss really was serious.
Previous day we arrived "the history Tela luck", here was famous "Romeo and Juliet" the author - "Sha Shibiya" place of birth, but also visited him and "Anne" the former dwelling, "the imperial Sha Shibiya theater" the front square, very many people out of office meal perhaps appreciate all kinds of ship's hold, some ship's hold sell the ice cream or Hamburg and so on, I also ran have bought two balls ice cream, was very delicious but is not cheap.
London bridge falling down, falling down, falling down, knew where I have been at? I visit the London tower, it has 900 years history, once for castle, royal palace, jail, therefore has proced the historical story which very many splendidly hangs doubts, Tarry has world biggest 500 carat diamonds, but I have not seen to, I certainly cannot miss with the famous London tower bridge according to Commander Zhang Shuai's picture. You have look have not had a package of bandage the mummy? I thought ultra is cruel, but the elder sister thinks disgusting! You may see in British Museum to very many special things, but because the London subway explodes, also everywhere the traffic jam, harms us only to see to two halls, really is repugnant! "Buckingham Palace" could not go, harmed me not to see to was valiant, the gas raised the imperial guard handing-over ceremony, also was gives a cursory look including "the Oxford University" to walk.
England and US play the feeling is completely different, US compares the modernization, moreover very stimulates amusement facility, England then is the scenery, the old castle is much more beautiful, but eats, I do not like very much.


❹ 英國游記想起文藝范的題目,大家說起什麼


❺ 格列佛游記 揭示了英國怎樣的社會現象

小說第一卷中所描繪的小人國的情景乃是當時大英帝國的縮影。當時英國國內托利黨和輝格黨常年不息的斗爭和對外的戰爭,實質上只是政客們在一些國計民生毫不相乾的小節上勾心鬥角。 小說的第二卷則通過大人國國王對格列佛引以為榮的英國選舉制度、議會制度以及種種政教措施所進行的尖銳的抨擊,對當時英國各種制度及政教措施表示了懷疑和否定。 小說的第三卷,作者把諷刺的鋒芒指向了當時的英國哲學家,脫離實際、沉溺於幻想的科學家,荒誕不經的發明家和顛倒黑白的評論家和史學家等。 小說第四卷,作者利用格列佛回答一連串問題而揭露了戰爭的實質、法律的虛偽和不擇手段以獲得公爵地位的可恥行為等。 它的批判鋒芒,集中在抨擊當時英國的議會政治和反動的宗教勢力。小說通過格列佛在利立浦特(小人國)、布羅卜丁奈格(大人國)、勒皮他(飛島國)和慧駰國的奇遇,反映了18世紀前半期英國社會的一些矛盾,揭露批判了英國統治階級的腐敗和罪惡及英國資本主義在資本主義原始積累時期的瘋狂掠奪和殘酷剝削。

❻ 什麼時候去歐洲旅遊比較好 英國鄉村游記

歐洲(Europe)面積1016萬平方公里,共45個國家和地區。西臨大西洋,北靠北冰洋,南隔版地中海和直布羅陀海峽權與非洲大陸相望 ,東與亞洲大陸相連。地形以平原為主,大部分為溫帶大陸性氣候。西海岸溫帶海洋性氣候顯著。


最佳旅遊季節: 四季皆宜,夏季最佳

❼ 名著閱讀。(8分) 小題1:《格列佛游記》的作者是英國十八世紀前期最優秀的作家 &n...


❽ 格列佛游記用什麼抨擊英國18世紀



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