1. 主题公园世界2 攻略
2. 主题公园2中文版下载
3. 主题公园世界2秘籍
在游戏开始时输入“Horza”作为名字, 然后在游戏中按:
CTRL + Z得到所有的商店
ALT + Z得到所有的游艺设施
SHIFT + Z得到所有属性
4. 主题公园2秘籍无法用
我有通关的存档。造物之地我弄得最好,有50万了。其他两个不是太好。不知道你要不要。要的留e mail
5. 主题公园2 攻略
在游戏开始时输入“Horza”作为名字, 然后在游戏中按:
CTRL + Z得到所有的商店
ALT + Z得到所有的游艺设施
SHIFT + Z得到所有属性
注意:进行下列操作之前请先将该文件备份。使用文本编辑器对\"data/levels/space\" 或\"data/levels/fantasy\"文件夹中的\"global\"文件进行编辑,将\"keys.to enter\"改为想要的数字即可
6. 为什么我玩主题公园2中文版的时候会黑屏
可能是和显卡和显卡驱动有关 建议用软件测试一下!
7. 主题公园2秘籍
99年的是Sim Theme Park
Note: This game is also titled Theme Park World.
# Extra money
Note: This procere involves editing a game file; create a backup of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "standard.sam" file in the "levels" sub-directory inside the game directory. Scroll down until the "Bank balance stuff" heading appears. Go down a few lines and change the starting balance from "$50000" to any amount.
# All worlds
Note: This procere involves editing a game file; create a backup of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "global" file in the "data/levels/space" or "data/levels/fantasy" folders. Change "keys.to enter" to a desired number.
# World of Wonders park
Collect three Golden Keys to unlock the World of Wonders park.
# Space Zone park
Collect five Golden Keys to unlock the Space Zone park.
# Hints
Easy money
The best way to use this trick is on a puzzle sideshow that has a low play cost. While somebody is playing, up the play cost to $10,000. Make sure that you hit the confirm check to get that price activated. When they finish the puzzle you will get the $10,000 instead of the lower play cost they started playing at. Nobody will play at $10,000, so lower the price back down to a fair price afterwards. You can do this as often as desired. Puzzle sideshow works best because it gives you time to raise the price while the customer is playing.
Power money
Start a small park with four puzzle games close together, two rides, one food, one bathroom and a gate price of $0. If you set it up so all four puzzle games are within view of each other, you can do the global price raise/lower for all puzzles while all four are active (making $40,000 at once). The $0 gate price will get the visitors in fast. Set the prizes value to $10 and a maximum win possibility. That makes the visitors happy, stay longer, and play more.
More visitors
When you are in Dinoland, just ignore or delete the message about the cheap gate price to get a lot of visitors.
8. 求主题公园世界2的下载地址,请务必仔细看我的描述
9. 关于《主题公园世界2》的问题
是我啦~可能是你安装游戏不在C:/ 装在别的盘里了。。。。。。