A. 新西兰的旅游景色和特色食物的英语作文
您好:In New Zealand, the hometown of white cloud, a small but the envy of the
country. Because the past is a British colony and the relationship
between country of immigrants, there is no a special cuisine, but the
characteristic. Walking in the street can see Chinese restaurant, Korean
restaurant, India restaurant, Middle Eastern restaurants, even Turkey
and Morocco restaurant. Today say what New Zealand to some of the more
unique dishes. The author is not love, but also the streets run many
restaurants, plus once and gourmet columnist and roommate, so from where
she also benefit a lot, spend more than 20 yuan can eat very satisfied.
Nutritious breakfast: fried fish block + fries + "Mamaituo" sauce + fun cereal
of all to say is fried fish block and chips, this is actually a very
English snacks. As a result of New Zealand is located between Australia
and Antarctica the Pacific Ocean, has the rich fishery resources, so
here's the fried fish block and chips are used in cod. The flesh texture
flexible and refreshing, fried after more crisp and toughness, is very
delicious. But after all the fried fish block and fries after all
wrapped in newspaper, have a distinctive flavour.
breads with a sauce, called "Mamaituo". The first time to eat that taste
a little strange, like licking the rusty iron gate. However, it is said
that "Mamaituo" butter is a rich iron and many other rich vitamin
nutrition food, peanut butter and jelly and compared, it does not
contain fat, very healthy. Here a lot of children's breakfast is ice
milk add the Mamaituo toast.
Mention other breakfast cereal,
nature is dow. Cereal to use ice milk bubble was delicious, once the
heat, the kind of full of crisp feel there is no fun, eat cereal
vanished. The cereal is naturally good variety, is called a "muesli", is
a kind of be wrapped in a layer of yogurt in the dried fruits of Swiss
flavor breakfast food, and corn flakes, many supermarkets are selling
the Shanghai, suitable for fat people, can with the personal taste add
fruit. In addition, there is every kind of fruit flavored cereal, mainly
in order to attract children. There are also organic cereal more
advanced, the price is high, but there are still many people this
scramble for. There is a special kind of cereal, the cereal petals
system compressed into a waffle cone shape, whether it is dry to eat or
soaked in milk, or add honey are particularly crisp.
Lunch and dinner: one side is the simple side is busy
lunch in New Zealand, everyone is against, or eating a sandwich, or eat
sushi, also have really sit down and eat delicious, is nothing more
than Italy or Chinese food like pasta. Here also skip. There are a lot
of people like the noon eat pie, it is a kind of crisp shell inside
depression cake, stuffing is mainly meat, a bit like the mooncakes with
meat in china.
And the people here dinner is often eat roast lamb
or beef steak. New Zealand sheep and cattle population is more than the
population, beef and mutton quality is among the leading world. Prior
to the signing of a cooperation agreement in UK and EU, New Zealand is
the largest exporter of dairy procts and beef and mutton. Beef and
mutton here, fleshy firm but hard to chew, succulent and delicate. Taste
particularly good, but no fishy smell of mutton, and especially easy to
cook, iron, the belly, enjoy food threefold. Usually eat in the
restaurant, the menu will have a leg of lamb, once and friends in a
seaside restaurant in point of a leg of lamb, two people share. Seascape
with delicious, paradise on earth. Eat barbecue must with red wine, New
Zealand, proce a lot of good wine, but on a personal point of view, I
prefer wine, New Zealand white wine is absolutely comparable and some
French wine, but the price is not expensive. This place is worth
mentioning is the Marlborough made Alfonso Vignon Brown, New Zealand's
liquor slightly different places is that it tends to fruit taste. When
it comes to drink white Wine, necessary for white meats. In addition, I
want to mention is Qingkou and oyster. Qingkou New Zealand was big,
taste is not rough, not very strong smell of the sea. Oysters I is
always at a distance, but New Zealand oyster fresh juicy, very
refreshing. Especially the northern end of Oakland Island Bay oysters,
large particles, water strong flavor, is one of the famous dishes must
taste, with a cup of liquor, it is the good choice for dinner.
Food culture: inclusive
recent years, the New Zealand people taste preference has been
significant change, also more and more attention to. Because love to
travel New Zealand people traveling abroad to try many new foods, and
the introction of home. The New Zealand people like to entertain
friends and relatives, will also be invited to dinner together in the
home of a friend. Most of the guests need to bring a dish, such as
salad, steak and sausage, and bring your own beer.
As a
commonwealth country, New Zealand diet for a long time been steak,
potato chips, cabbage, fish and bacon occupied. The sameness of the
roast and boiled vegetables, and pudding after dinner, until now still
is the main food bar and country. New changes but immigrants also
features gives New Zealand diet, Asia and around the immigrants brought
spices and cooking techniques, now make New Zealand cuisine combining
other national cooking techniques, created by the locally available food
B. 新西兰的风景怎么样
你好,很高兴回答你的问题啊。新西兰最大的湖泊陶波湖。毛利语作Taupomoana。新西兰最大的湖泊。位于北岛中部火山高原上。面积606平方公里(234平方哩)。 湖面海拔357公尺(1,172呎),最深点159公尺(522呎),湖流域面积3,289平方公里(1,270平方哩)。 怀卡托(Waikato)河上游(称通加里罗〔Tongariro〕河)由南面注入,湖水由湖东北经怀卡托河流出。湖水覆盖几座火山口。陶波镇位于湖口,为附近乳牛、肉牛、羊牧区和人造林区的中心。湖四周多地热温泉,或作疗养地,或用以发电。建有怀卡托河水力发电厂。 陶波湖是新西兰最大的湖泊。在陶波地区,无论您在哪里都可以看到一座火山。其实陶波湖本身就是最美的景致,它形成于一次巨大的火山爆发,这次爆发大得连太阳都被遮蔽了。 陶波湖是大洋洲中最大的淡水湖,湖中有数不清的鳟鱼。湖的面积达616平方公里,几乎和新加坡一样大!南北长40公里,东西最宽处27公里。在陶波湖全年都可进行水上活动,包括滑水、拖曳伞、滑水快艇、钓鱼、游湖、游泳、划船、划独木舟、驾帆和水上飞机观光!共有47条江河与溪流灌入陶波湖,其中包括新西兰最大的河——怀卡托河(Waikato River)。湖畔的陶波镇有许多旅馆,在有些旅馆中就可看到陶波湖与东加里罗国家公园(Tongariro National Park)的火山。 陶波湖位于新西兰北岛中部山区,罗托鲁阿以南,海拔357米。湖长40公里,宽27公里,最大深度159米,面积616平方公里。湖四周多火山作用形成的山地和温泉。怀托卡河发源于湖南部山地,注入湖中后,再从湖东北端河道流出。盛产虹鳟。湖东北岸有陶波镇。湖西的西湾,原是一个巨大的破火山口,为多角半环形,四周峭壁陡立。湾内水深约110米至130米,东部深槽处则达160米。湖水由汤加里罗河等7条河流汇集而成,经东北端的怀卡托河排出。陶波湖水温适中,冬季可以游泳,也可泛舟。湖内有岛屿和100多个水湾与上百个浅滩,享誉世界的彩虹鳟鱼钓鱼区就在这里,游客可租船在湖中垂钓,或浏览湖上的清幽景色。这里有蒸气崖和多种矿泉浴设备,20世纪60年代起开辟为水疗区,现已成为休养胜地。附近有著名的胡卡瀑布(“胡卡”在毛利语中即泡沫的意思)。怀卡托河在此从近250米的宽阔河床突然收敛进入不到18米宽的峡谷,急流越过12米的悬崖飞泻而下,水珠似帘,泡沫胜雪,气势磅礴,蔚为壮观。 绝佳的湖上探险活动陶波湖地区位于新西兰北岛中部的火山区,是新西兰最大的淡水湖。这里有迷人的地热区和著名的胡卡瀑布。游客在这里可以游览风景,也可以进行各种探险活动。同时还可以感受淳朴友好的当地文化。市区就在湖边,有很多餐饮和聚会场所。鳟鱼垂钓应该是行程中不可或缺活动,因为这个地区是世界上仅存的真正野生鳟鱼孵卵地之一。当地导游会很快使你喜欢上钓鱼,很多饭店也会很乐意为你加工你钓上来的鱼。陶波湖地热景点有间歇喷泉、热气腾腾的火山口、沸腾的泥浆池和世界上最大的硅石台地。其他特别的体验有步行至胡卡瀑布,在怀拉基打高尔夫球,划皮艇前往观看矿山湾毛利岩雕。~~期待满意啊~~
C. 新西兰有什么风景比较好
新西兰 热门景点
基督城艾芬河 奥克兰伊甸山 基督城大教堂广场 海港大桥
奥克兰博物馆回 陶波胡卡瀑布 塔拉纳基答 卡蒂普湖
惠灵顿植物园 奥克兰萤火虫洞 奥克兰伊甸山 天空塔
峡湾国家公园 奥塔哥大学 怀波阿森林区 怀卡雷莫纳湖
萤火虫洞 陶波湖 库克山 峡湾国家公园
渡假城镇蒂阿瑙 独树山 奥克兰独树山 奥克兰海港大桥
奥克兰天空塔 彩虹泉农庄 怀波阿森林区 奥塔哥大学
怀卡雷莫纳湖 基督城大教堂广场 陶波胡卡瀑布 奥克兰海港大桥
天空塔 萤火虫洞 奥克兰萤火虫洞 奥克兰天空塔
彩虹泉农庄 奥克兰独树山
D. 新西兰一处风景吧
这叫做叫做阿苟纳来斯(The Argonath),又叫做诸源王之门(Gate of Kings),阿苟纳斯之门(Gates of Argonath),刚铎之门(Gates of Gondor),诸王之柱(Pillars of the Kings)。 这个场景的自然景色是在新西兰南岛的卡瓦罗河(Kawarau River)取景,但是那两个国王巨像是现实中并不存在的虚构场景。为了在电影中表现这两座石像,电影工作人员制作了一对小型雕像,而后综合各种拍摄技巧和电脑特效,最后让那对巨像展现在银幕上 阿苟纳斯如何拍摄的请参看这三张图可以参看这里的魔戒花絮解说 http://www.mov8.com/dvd/freetalk_show.asp?id=15390
E. 新西兰的夏天单从景色角度来说,北岛南岛哪个更值得去
F. 新西兰哪个地方风景最美
G. 加拿大和新西兰,哪更美只看自然风光!
H. 为什么都说新西兰风景很美
西海岸是喜欢户外活动的人的天堂。喜欢极端冒险的人士可以尝试洞穴探险、漂流、划独木舟、划皮艇和冲浪。简单的冒险项目包括乘喷射快艇、冰川漫步、观光飞机、山地自行车、骑马旅行、徒步旅行、钓鱼和淘金。而且不管你到哪里,都有很多小路 - 长途的、中等的和短途的。
I. 新西兰哪个时间段去景色最美必去景点有哪些
北岛主要景我们当时在iTrip网报了旅游团,而且现在输入优惠码zj100应该可以打9.5折优惠~很划算呢,可以考虑看看~点有rotorua可以看到五彩缤纷的毛利人文化和地热温泉,还强烈推荐tongariro national park,多种蓝色绿色的高山火山湖,首都惠灵顿是个很精致的城市,推荐国家博物馆。
D1 出发地 - Auckland
D2 Auckland - Tongariro National Park
D3 Tongariro National Park
D4 Tongariro National Park - Rotorua
D5 Rotorua - Wellington
D6 Wellington - Picton - Nelson
D7 Nelson - Fox Glacier
D8 Fox Glacier
D9 Fox Glacier - Wanaka
D10 Wanaka - Queenstown
D11 Queenstown - Milford Sound - Queenstown
D12 Queenstown
D13 Queenstown
D14 Queenstown - Lake Tekapo
D15 Lake Tekapo - Christchurch
D16 Christchurch - 返程