A. 景观标牌主要有哪些类型有这样专门的标牌设计公司么
B. 谁有旅游景点介绍的中英译文(旅游景点出现在标牌上的),谢谢提供下,写论文用。
武汉有座大森林 九峰城市森林保护区
“森林十八景”是保护区的核心景点。“晓塘春色”只见满池碧水,片片莲叶静卧池中,莲花婷婷绽放。远处九峰山郁郁葱葱,令人心旷神怡,踏上木桥,临池观鱼赏莲。这个初春, “茶园晓雾”、“梅林疏影”、“桃园溪涧”纷纷展露芳容。
A Large Forest In Wuhan
To experience the nature, simplicity and rustic charm — many people don’t know in Wuhan there is a forest which is as large as 90 Zhongshan Parks.
Jiufeng Urban Forest Reserve integrates Hongshan’s two hills and three parks into a whole, forming a large forest, the area of which surpasses 27 square meters.
There are more than 20 hills in the forest. Citizens can enjoy the red leaves, wild flowers and fruits without leaving Wuhan.
The “18 scenic spots” are the core of the forest. “Spring Scenery by the Lotus Pond”: lotus leaves are floating and lotus flowers are blossoming on the blue water. The lush Jiufeng Mountain makes one feel relaxed and happy. In early spring, there are such scenic spots as Tea Garden Mist, Plum Forest and Peach Garden Stream etc.
Let’s experience the “forest, ecology, nature and rustic charm” ……
琴台大剧院的歌剧场是一个面积达1000多平方米的大舞台,所在的位置可以容纳1800位观众的观众厅,分为上下三层,特别的是在这个舞台上表演歌剧演员们不再需要话筒,坐在最后一排的观众都能够听的清清楚楚。秘密何在?琴台大剧院总工程师俞永敏为我们揭开了谜底。“ 这个观众厅的设计有两个特点,第一个在设计的时候,采用了计算机的模拟声场设计,每个座位听到声音的清晰度、饱和度都非常好。第二为了满足剧场的多功能性,我们设计了可控混响系统,不仅可以演出歌剧、戏曲,还可以演出舞剧和其他类的综艺类的节目。”
Wuhan Qintai Theatre
Looking from a distance, Qintai Theatre, a place where the 8th China Arts Festival will be held, looks like piano reeds and sleeves flying in the sky, which embodies the connotation of Chu culture.
Based on the characteristics of Chu culture, Qintai Theatre adopts the unique design of similar theatres.
As you approach the theatre, jumping into your sight are eight bronze plates and the four huge components that look like ribbons. Between the glass and bronze plates are “piano keys” and the four steel frames look like stream running from high mountains and sleeves flying in the sky.
The hall of the theatre looks like a scroll painting that combines tradition with modernity: there are varied shapes in yellowish brown and white and black; a lively and enthusiastic touch is embodied in decoration, match and curtain wall.
The outside of the theater is characterized by Chu culture features while the inside embodies a modern touch. The tall glass-curtain wall which looks simple contains high tech elements.
The performance hall looks like an orchestra pit of Chu Kingdom. You will feel an irresistible impulse to sing.
The Opera Theatre is a huge stage, the area of which is over 1000 square meters. The 1800-seat audience hall consists of three levels. The audience sitting in the last row can hear clearly although performers do not use microphones. What is the secret? Yu Yongmin, the chef engineer, told us, “The design of the hall has two characteristics: firstly, the computer simulation of sound fields is adopted when it was designed; secondly, we designed the controllable reverberation system which is suitable for opera, dance and other artistic performances”.
In 2007, the 8th China Arts Festival will be held in Qintai Theatre located besides the Han River and Moon Lake. The total investment is 1.57 billion yuan. The theatre composed of an 1800-seat showplace, 400-seat multifunctional hall, research hall, arts exhibition hall, Chinese and western restaurants, covers an area of more than 650000 square meters. After the completion of construction, the theatre will become a performance place of highest grade in Hubei.
天下绝景 气吞云梦——黄鹤楼
The Imposing Yellow Crane Tower
ocated on the top of Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower stands against Wuchang, faces the vast Yangtze River and the elegant Qingchuan Pavilion. Ascending the tower, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wuhan.
Thanks to its unique geological location, and the poems, proses, couplets and folk stories, the Yellow Crane Tower is reputed as one of the “three famous towers south of the Yangtze River”. It enjoys such titles as “best scenery under heaven” and “the first tower under heaven”
There are many legends about the reason why the Yellow Crane tower was built, which brings mystery to the tower and attracts many people to admire the tower.
legend 1
More than 1000 years ago, an old man surnamed Xin ran a restaurant on Snake Hill. A Taoist who was a regular visitor never ordered dishes, but drank wine with fruits he brought along. The owner refused to accept the Taoist’s money, assuming that he was poor. They became friends. One day, the Taoist drew a yellow crane on the wall with the orange skin, said, “The crane will dance upon hearing the clap”. Then he left and never returned.
The curious customers clapped their hands and the crane flew from the wall, danced and then returned to its original place. The restaurant became very famous as the story was widely spread. A corrupt official ordered somebody to move the wall to the local authorities. But the crane flew away and the official chased after the crane but drowned in the river. The old man selling wine built the Yellow Crane Tower on the original site to commemorate the crane.
Legend 2
The tower was first built in 223 A.D of the Three Kingdoms Period. Sun Quan, the King of Wu built the earliest Yellow Crane Tower on the Town of Wuchang. During the Three Kingdoms Period, the tower served a significant military purpose. After the three kingdoms were united, with the development of the city, the tower lost its military value and graally became an ornamental tower.
The tower was built and ruined many times and undergone many wars and changes. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the tower was built and ruined seven times. In 1184 A.D., the tower was reced to ashes. One hundred years later, a magnificent tower, the only one in China, appeared in Wuhan.
Eyes of the City - East Lake
江湖一城梦, 明月百年心。但愿若干年以后,此梦此心不会被城市的喧嚣与浮华所吞噬。
akes, the eyes of a city, represent the past, present and future of a city, embody everything of a city: culture and economy etc.
The West Lake is the eyes of Hangzhou while the East Lake is the soul of Wuhan. The beauty of the West Lake lies in its exquisiteness and prettiness while the East Lake is like a girl from a noble family: her beauty lies in her temperament and the thousand-year-old cultural deposit.
Culture is the noblest cloth of a landscape, which embody the charm of the landscape just as knowledge adds charm and temperature to a handsome man. A landscape with cultural deposit is a landscape of elegant disposition. The East Lake is a lake boasting a long history and deep-rooted culture.
The East Lake is fresh, dignified, natural, elegant, simple but magnificent, which forms a harmonious artistic space. Here, you can listen to the sound of wind and rain, or sing loudly in the wind or drink to your heart’s content, or talk over past and present with your friends, or chant poems and admire paintings, or taste tea and meditate …
The East Lake is a hundred-year-old dream of the city. We wish that the dream wouldn’t be swallowed by the bustle and vanity of the city.
方寸之间 追溯千年——湖北省博物馆
Hubei Provincial Museum
A specific piece of good and the history can represent the depth and connotation of a city. For a city which is as vigorous as Wuhan, the charm lies in its combination of the new and old. Let's walk into the world of culture via Hubei Provincial Museum, the eyes of Wuhan.
Usually we are not willing to visit museum because we don't have the right mood. At the sight of the bronze ware, lacquer ware, golden and jade articles, we look dignified because these goods represent the culture of Hubei province. The plate, bronze ware featuring deer and crane etc; All these witness the culture of Hubei province and the history of Wuhan. They are worth admiring and flaunting
一样的江滩 不一样的美景
Beautiful Riverside
在武汉三镇的水景中,汉口江滩可谓是这座滨江城市中一道最美丽的风景。清晨,可到江滩晨跑锻炼,傍晚则可以邀约家人漫步,感受习习江风,而华灯初上之时,江边各栋建筑物灯火辉煌,交相辉映,散发出迷人的光芒,美好的生活锦卷已然展开! 武汉的全民健身场地设施——江滩公园最具特色。从天津路入口,气势恢弘的波形门楼便把喧嚣、忙乱的城市生活阻隔在堤外。江堤之间,是一片清新的“绿”。小径、竹林、假山、喷泉、雕塑……五彩灿烂的花草,一应俱全的休闲设施,这条让人心旷神怡的滨江休闲带伴着滔滔江水一直伸向远方! 江滩公园内有长椅供游人休息观景,清晨,喜欢锻炼的人们的最好去处便是那里,伫立江边,“不尽长江滚滚来”;夜晚,灿艳的灯光、习习的江风,让人留连忘返。
t sk of a summer day when the sun was still burning, people gathered at the riverside. They laughed happily, did exercises, danced, did Taiji or flied kites. Peddlers selling kites said the long-distance runners were really fantastic. “They ran 7000 meters from this side to that side. Plus another circle, they run about 10,000 meters everyday”.
As the evening clouds fell, more and more people came. There were children who wore roller skates and played among the tourists. On the pedestrian street, a grey-haired couple were strolling leisurely hand in hand. On the central square, dance lovers were dancing to music.
— Scenery at the riverside photographed by the reporter
The vast Yangtze River divides Wuhan into three towns. Thus, the bodybuilding of Wuhanese has something to do with the river and water.
When asked which place of Wuhan is the most beautiful, Wuhanese will recommend the riverside. The riverside which integrates flood control, scenery, tour, leisure and sports into a whole and which harmonizes human and nature, the city and the river has become a brilliant pearl of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
Of all the water scenes of Wuhan, Hankou’s riverside is the most beautiful. In the early morning, you can run or do exercises at the riverside. At sk, you can stroll around the riverside with your family. As the night falls, the lights of buildings add radiance and beauty to each other. The scroll of life has been unfolded!
The bodybuilding facilities in the Riverside Park are the most distinguished. At the entrance of Tianjin Road, the imposing wave-shaped gate blocks off the bustle of the city. There is a vast piece of “green” at the riverside: alleys, bamboo forest, rockwork, fountain and sculpture etc. There are a complete set of entertainment facilities and a leisure belt stretching into the far distance together with the flowing water.
There are benches for tourists to take a rest and have a sightseeing. In the early morning, the riverside is the best place for exercisers. At night, the brilliant light and breeze make people feel reluctant to leave.
The Riverside Park cost hundreds of billion of yuan. The leisure belt of Hankou’s riverside stretches for several kilometers. The bodybuilding zone boasts such facilities as tennis court, skating rink, footpath, swimming pool, waist-twisting machine, running machine, horse riding machine, which can be used by thousands of people simultaneously. On holidays, citizens come to the riverside from all the directions to enjoy the breeze and pleasure of sports.
Compared with the charming and imposing riverside of Hankou, Wuchang’s riverside is simple and natural. The First Sightseeing Stand of the Yangtze River written by He Zuohuan, a famous artist, described the particularity of Wuchang’s riverside.
The vast river flows through the city. Environment changes people. The harmony between humans and nature bring friendship and peace. The straightforward Wuhanese are changing and they are becoming more elegant and gentle.
At the Sixth City Games 2007, the riverside will display the beauty and charm of Wuhan.
C. 朗域标识做旅游景区的景观小品和标识标牌做的怎么样专业吗
D. 标识系统在景观设计中有哪些应用
公园标识导向系统主要由信息标识、指示导向标识、形象识别标识和管理标识构成。 信息标识是公园环境和游人之间的沟通载体,公园中方便游人游览的公园总平面图和景点分布示图以及历史人文介绍等都是信息标识的范围。信息标识多以解释、陈述为特征,是游人与景点之间无声交流的媒介,能起到宣传主题、陶冶情操、普及科学人文历史知识等社会教育的作用。 指示导向标识纯粹是从功能需求的角度为游人设置的。指示导向标识的位置安排实际上是公园人流交通疏导系统的一个工作,它一般出现于两个或多个空间相互转换或交叉的地方,为游人指路。从宏观的角度来说,如果观景路线是线,那指示导向标识是线上面的一个个点。从空间设计的角度来说,指示导向标识无疑是营造和管理动态空间的一个比较不错的手段,能促进人和空间之间的互动。 形象识别标识是一个公园从众多公园中脱颖而出,给游人留下深刻印象和完整形象的重要手段。其形象识别标识如同人的衣装,须得体。如遗址公园的标识设计要体现遗址特色,要与历史情调相呼应;休闲公园的标识导向系统设计宜轻松活泼;儿童公园的标识导向系统设计造型应考虑到儿童的安全性,宜于儿童识别。标识标牌的选材、造型、色彩以及应用字体均要统一考虑。这一点可以借鉴企业视觉识别系统的概念,将公园的Logo、字体以标牌和标识为载体反复出现在公园环境空间中,有助于整个公园的形象资源整体组合传播,加大视觉冲击的力度和强度。 管理标识是针对不同的环境和人群而使用相应的标识。如残疾人通道标识方便了残疾人游园;一般免费开放的公园,须根据需要选用游人须知、小心触电、禁止攀爬等标识。管理标识多以明示、告知、劝说、指令、警告、禁止等为特征,能起到规范行为、预防事故、教育社会、保护公园设施等作用。 综上所述,一个公园标识导向系统的设计应该系统化、规范化、人性化。如统一使用公园的Logo和园名字体;再如双语标识配合图标符号,让看不懂文字的人群也能方便游园;此外,公园标识标牌无尖锐利角、结构安全牢固、便于游人查看阅读和使用、标识标牌位置布局科学合理等都是人性化公园标识的设计要求。总之,一切以方便游人和公园管理为宜。