⑴ 温泉中心软件哪个好
飞泷软件的温泉洗浴智能管理系统,通话报钟器 平板报钟器,实时通话,报钟器房间结账。
⑵ 亲们,在网上购买温泉票需要下载什么软件
⑶ 有什么软件可以搜周边旅游的地方,例如:周边的温泉
⑷ 有什么软件可以让我发布活动(比如泡温泉,摘草莓,酒会等等),然后分享到朋友圈,让别人填上姓名电话报
⑸ 求助英文翻译,用软件的谢绝。
Notice for Spa Pool Guests
Bathing spa have the effect of a hot compress.Especially for people suffering from bone and joint diseases.Such as degenerative arthritis,it can loosen your pain.And,for people who suffering from long-term insomnia or depression.Bathing in hot springs can relaxing muscles, promoting blood circulation.Despite the good,it is not for everybody.For swimming and spa,there are some tips and advise for you to pay specially attention:
1.Opening Hours of Spa Swimming Pool is AM7:30-PM11:00.Recommend that do not swimming or bathing in hot springs in the non-business hours or thunderstorm weather.
2.Swimming pool is only for hotel guests to use,please wearing swimsuit in swimming and spa.
3.Do not chasing or frolic in the pool area.Children under 10 swimming or bathing spa must accompanied by alts.
4.Our hotel do not have professional lifeguards, so diving is prohibited excessive and dangerous behavior,please listen to the advice of our staff.
5.High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, gastrointestinal diseases, various skin diseases, heavy trachoma, acute conjunctivitis, various infectious diseases and vascular lesions in patients, it is recommended that you have not been stable control pre-condition not suitable for swimming and bathing spa.
6.Spa is not suitable for pregnant women.
7.We remind you that it's not suitable for swimming and bathing spa when you are hungry or after drink.
8.Each successive Spas and continuous swimming do not take more than 15 minutes.
9.After swimming and bathing in hot springs, the body water evaporated quickly, it is recommended that you should drink plenty of water after all that.
If there is any violation of these matters will not assume any responsibility for accidents of our hotel.
Hotel management department
累。。。全自己翻译的,要是觉得好的话加分吧~~ 本人英语专业大三学生
⑹ 像梦想商店街,暖暖温泉乡这样的软件还有什么,是一个公司出的
这个软件是 开罗公司出品的。梦想商店街,暖暖温泉乡,游戏发展国,开拓无人岛等等……都是一样的游戏风格,你上网搜 Kairosoft或开罗游戏,就知道了,开罗游戏贴吧也行
⑺ 温泉管理系统软件稳定性哪种好
⑻ 从福州软件园到贵安温泉,如果打的士,大概需要多少钱
100块 .
不过你去火车站坐去连江的长途的士,然後在连江打的比较好 .
D6334 福州南 - 连江 14:29 - 14:47 18分 二等软座 9 一等软座 11
D3202 福州南 - 连江 15:29 - 15:47 18分 二等软座 9 一等软座 11
D3112 福州南 - 连江 16:18 - 16:35 17分 二等软座 9 一等软座 11
⑼ 温泉度假村用什么收银软件
⑽ 温泉管理软件用的哪款人多