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住宿跟订机票差不多,提前一个月订一般都能找到便宜又舒适的地方。我一般就用两个网站:bookings.com 和 hostelworld.com。多比较一下,看看评价,再权衡一下价格和位置就行。北欧的住宿最贵,德国和中欧最便宜,价格平均每人每晚一百至两百元人民币。需要注意的是一定要查清楚旅馆的位置,最好靠近地铁站等交通便利的地方。此外,去一些旅游城市,要注意有些地方比较危险,比如雅典、罗马、巴黎,有些地方是不适合晚上出门的,订宾馆的时候也多查查。
2011年10月11日-16日 意大利(威尼斯、罗马)、梵蒂冈
到了罗马后,我们先买了张Roma Pass,三天内随便乘坐公共交通,还可以选择免费进入两个景点。其实如果时间充裕,完全可以不必买。因为罗马并不是很大。跟我们一起住的两个德国人就是典型的背包客,每天都是靠双脚游遍罗马。罗马是所有欧洲城市中最值得仔细游玩的城市之一。不仅因为景点众多,比如著名的斗兽场、西班牙大台阶、许愿池等等,还因为罗马城里有个梵蒂冈。梵蒂冈博物馆是必去的,虽然中国游客对宗教和西方文化艺术不一定很了解,但当那些作品真真正正展现在你眼前时,你才知道美是完全不需要有任何背景知识就能够欣赏的。
罗马还让我难以忘怀的就是享誉全球的冰淇淋,最便宜的2欧元一个,奶味十足,回味悠长。《罗马假日》里奥黛丽?赫本就曾在西班牙大台阶上吃过冰淇淋,后来由于效仿者众多,现在罗马政府已经不允许游客在台阶那里吃东西了。至于披萨和意大利面,其实真的没有国内的必胜客好吃。2011年11月3日-6日 瑞典、芬兰
北欧之行印象深刻。之前也说过,北欧的住宿十分昂贵,所以当我们发现游轮这个绝佳选择后就立马定了船票。Viking Lines的游轮很大,各种娱乐设备齐全。在船上,我们吃了来欧洲后最贵的自助餐,每人33欧,但真的很值,各种海鱼海虾和鱼籽,我们大吃一顿。但斯德哥尔摩和赫尔辛基本身的景点并不多,惟一留下印象的就是瓦萨沉船博物馆和北欧阴冷的天气。赫尔辛基由于当年被俄罗斯统治过,所以整体风格很像圣彼得堡,绿色的房顶,金色的顶尖,时常能看到组团前来旅游的俄罗斯人。
阿姆斯特丹最富盛名的就是性文化。我们也厚着脸皮去了趟红灯区。真是林子大了,什么地方的女性都有,亚洲人、欧洲人、非洲人,胖的、瘦的,年轻的、中年的、老年的等等。在阿姆斯特丹,提供性服务是合法的,但仍然能看到有很多像我这样的游客好奇地朝玻璃门里张望。每个店面很像中国的小发廊,女性一般都穿着三点式,有的还是荧光的,发现你的注目,她们就会做出各种诱人的动作。另外还有一些sex bar、情趣商店和AV店。红灯区大概占据了三个街区,晚上人流如织,好不热闹。性博物馆也是必去的地方之一,里面对性的历史发展有很好的诠释,当然还有很多生动的图片和影片。
2011年11月29日-12月4日 德国、奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克

⑧ 求英语作文 游记 欧洲旅游的

How do I choose a trip to Europe tourist routes? » How should the limited time and money, determine the most appropriate of a European trip » A more classic European tourist routes, the trip mainly in France and Germany and its neighboring countries. Trip might not be able to meet the needs of all people, might not be able to enjoy the unique feelings of the European style, but the limited time and money, take the five countries, the European lighting have been sufficient.

China will open the tourism market of 12 countries are France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden and Finland. France has a long culture and the classical Greek city-states, the music of rural Austria, Finland, 1000 Lake of the country, and so on, people are longing for the long-tourismさChu »

12 European countries began a highly recommended tourist attractions of market activities. Two days before the signing of the memoranm, the Spanish Embassy in China, tourism counselor at the person to lead Barcelona, Andalucia, and other cities to promote tourism officials Spain tourism resources; Finnish Tourism Board ready for a Finnish tourist site of the Chinese brochure; Tourism Bureau in Italy China's first national tourism offices to the positive for the French will be in Beijing, Shanghai, Cheng, Guangzhou tourism resources tour.

TSP believe that the EU become a tourism destination of Chinese citizens, overseas travel menu will range. Visa will be very convenient, a visa can choose the line in 12 countries, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore than the first three visas easier. Reunification with the euro, will bring convenience to the trips. Of course, high prices, long flight time, the local Chinese outbound tour of Europe is less unfavorable factors. Under the current business fact-finding mission, shown in "Switzerland, France, Italy, 10-day visit" 15,000 yuan.

Europe enjoy 20 days

First stop: the three-day stay in France to Paris

Paris, this world-famous romance of all, and each time coming, it fascinating to see the difference. Louvre Fangting view from the bridge of art Yima sunset; Xie Yi in the 18 districts in a small pub on the counter drinking a cup of white wine; under the sun in the afternoon, sitting in the streets of the elegant cafes, the French taste of Luzhou Coffee; night from a Latin Jazz Club in Liaoliang sound coming from a rhythm and the saxophone music. Sunday's Balisaina river, is to prohibit the use of the car, it has become for pedestrians, Liu Bingxie and dedicated bike path.

Paris tips:

Transportation: aircraft and high-speed trains between major cities in France makes only a few hours of journey, from the rest of the supporting railway network coverage, in France to ride the train to reach the vast majority of cities. From Paris to Bordeaux, or from Paris to Marseille, by high-speed train only need three hours. Every city has streetcars, subway and bus network, in the city free shuttle.

Accommodation: both designed luxury hotels, there are small villages Kedian. Most strongly recommended option is to rent the residents stay at home, this way you can understand the French way of life, experience the real French life.

Fresh: Most of the restaurants in 12:00 to 15:00 and 19:00 to 23:00 two hours of business, all the big restaurants and at the train station before the restaurant will extend their business hours. In large cities, some small food stores have been open until the middle of the night. Restaurants, drinking water and bread is included in Caijia Lane, in accordance with the Standing Orders, the general provision of services to give the waiter tips.

Second leg: Barcelona visited Spain in two days

To the Church Square, Spain Square boost Chuichui Feng, drying sun, every Thursday in Barcelona Cathedral Square will be antiques flea market, the annual March of this square are the most important European antiques fair - antique Sharon (Salon de Anticuarios). Barcelona has many antique shops, and these stores are mostly located in the Metro area. Only in antique Street (Bulevard dels Anticuaris) on there as much as 73. In these stores, you can see all kinds of bizarre antique. In Yala Gong (C. Aragon) Street and multi-de Maig (C. Dos de Maig) A number of customers to do transactions and general wholesale antique dealers.

Barcelona is increasingly being recognized as a truly European gathering of the city.

Spain tips:

Transport: From the Paris tourist town of Brive (Brive), came to Spain's Barcelona. Barcelona are the majority of bus traffic from 5:30 to 23:00.

Accommodation: three, four, five-star hotels have.

Fresh: Spain gourmet dishes brought together North and South Western way of cooking, food variety, taste unique.

Third stop: Dijon, France transit day

Barcelona, Spain, left, arrived in Dijon, France.

Dijon main specialty is the snail dishes and mustard, Dijon is also well-known French wine townships, and also owns the world-famous wine, the more interesting local cuisine, food is attractive, food-loving wine tour of the people, must not miss this Wine district. Dijon in Burgundy wine region known for the rich rural land, retaining a lot of old aristocratic luxury palaces and monuments to ancient castle in the country said. Among people both friendly and lively, where the atmosphere you will be deeply Mizui.

Fourth stop: Switzerland by three days to Geneva and Bern

To leave France, entered the Swiss national boundaries, can be the first to go to Geneva and Bern.

Geneva, Switzerland is in the highest degree of internationalization of the city, located in Western Europe's largest lake - the beautiful banks of Lake Geneva, Farah and the Alps mountains in sight. First of all can go to look at the former residence of celebrities: French Enlightenment philosopher Rousseau was born in the Old City on an old house. English poet Byron in 1816 lived in an area known as Dior Cologne large villa, Di.

In this villa not far away, the British Romantic poet Shelley's former places of residence.

Switzerland again to the central highlands city Lucerne (Luzern), it is a mutual Ying Chen Huguangshanse the beautiful city, is Switzerland's largest summer resort one of the summer. Lucerne is Switzerland's main shopping area garden (Schweizerhofquai), Swan Plaza (Schwanenplatz), Weggigasse Street and the band Square (Kapellplatz), from the high-end fashion, watches and jewellery, to the general crafts such as wood, ceramics, Cuckoo clock and so on everything.

Fifth stop: Italy from Florence to Venice for six days are not enough

To leave Switzerland, our next stop is Italy. Rome's monuments, instrial Milan, Florence sculptures, paintings and Shuicheng the gondola in Venice, Turin, Fiat Auto, the port of Genoa, Pisa's Leaning Tower of Pisa, Sicily and Sardinia's customs, so that People hang around.

Shopping referred to Italy, 10 indivials have nine semi-Meifeisewu be excited, because every major cities in Italy are shopping paradise, from the North Milan, south Catania, you can be crazy shopping cards to the brush Explosion, but these cities again in Florence for heaven's paradise. Florence because of the variety of goods, brand complete, regardless of parity top pructs or shopping for everybody, together with regional focus on shopping, not spend too much time, Jiaoli, will be able to guarantee the满载而归.

Shopping in Florence is a great pleasure, because many shopping areas in San Lorenzo market flowers around the cathedral, you can visit a tourist attraction while shopping, enjoy the intellectual journey also able to lift themselves Tim, or purchasing some special souvenirs, Let the memories return home after more rich! And Florence, there are two very special cuisine: Niu, Florence big row, a side of coffee at the same time, making the cultural beauty of Florence added a more charming temperament. The city streets are everywhere Changzhao door craftsmen shops, has retained the traditional market, the sale of gold, silver and jewelry, modern shop window display in the High fur, fashion, silk tie and Mukuang mosaic of ancient architecture print.

Can not go with the famous Italian Shuicheng Venice. Sitting on a boat in the city to Dangzhuo Man Youyou, life seems to have nothing of the trouble. Venice the city more than other gourmet foods, more variety, and even strawberry wine are changing, the most unique is the black cuttlefish face, taste it.

6 points: Austria Qianqiangongzhu hang around for two days

To leave Italy, will enter the Sound of Music's hometown - Vienna. The famous Vienna forest from the West, North, South San Mianhuan around the city, the vast plain of Eastern Europe from the east and its relative, everywhere lush and vibrant. Boarded the foothills of the Alps, Vienna waves unlating forest, panoramic view. Overlooking the Danube basin from the Carpathian Mountains flashing green Feng Jian, the vast plains like a large blanket of green, Bibo sparkling flow of the Danube ring wear. Vienna beautiful environment, attractive scenery, known as "the goddess of the Danube," said.

Here, need to understand the tragedy Qianqiangongzhu romantic love story and real experience. To leave Vienna, we went to music child prodigy Mozart's hometown of Salzburg. The Old City area of only 80 hectares, the charming scenery, blinking. Here is the most well-known music festival, an annual fixed in the July to September to be held at the invitation of today's most popular musicians to Salzburg performances. As the Salzburg music festival itself has a long history and good reputation, can be invited into the column, is absolutely the highest praise of musicians, performing content is definitely international standards, each year attract millions of people are going to watch. Also, to Salzburg, do not forget to buy the famous Mozart chocolates.

7 points: Germany as the three-day Oktoberfest Carnival

The highlight of Germany in Munich. Here is the southern German state of Bavaria's cultural center and the capital, the blend of humanities, the joy was permeated with a traditional flavor, but here is the most famous beer. Came to Munich, Munich to enjoy Zhujiao roasted, smoked fish with pickled cabbage, Zaijiao on a cup of beer, Haobu Excitement! The annual Munich "Oktoberfest", which is Oktoberfest, the world's largest folk festival. It is said that the annual Oktoberfest to the domestic and foreign tourists over 6 million people, the Bavarian Oktoberfest has become a major event. Oktoberfest on wearing traditional costumes of beer girls in single large ears fresh glasses of beer will continue to drink to the passengers before can not wait. Lupi many wearing shorts, vests and other national costumes of the Bavarian Beer Cup穿行staff cited in the street, they Feng Renpian shouted "Cheers" The atmosphere was very lively.

Can also places to Heidelberg, in the evening on the local bistro Zuozuo, the experience of the City University of romantic atmosphere.

8 points: Amsterdam day

Amsterdam is Shuicheng, a taste of the flavor must Shuicheng by Amsterdam's tourist cruise ships. Canal cruise day cruise to the one-hour trip is more appropriate. From Amsterdam Central Station, each route of the Tour boat every 15-30 minutes intervals. On board can often be found walking in the street by not aware of the scenery. Visits to museums, the Museum of using cruise ships is convenient. This route of the Tour of the major museums in the city, ready to ship from top to bottom. Not only to look at the Van Gogh Museum paintings, but also to the National Concert Hall to enjoy classical music, here every Wednesday at noon can also enjoy the free lunch concerts, may wish to listen to some easily.

9 points: Luxembourg one day to see castles

Look at the castle bar, it will Yaoxiang people for centuries before the European-style

⑨ 大家给我介绍一些关于欧洲游记的好看的书书吧!

目 录:



⑩ 当代华人作家写欧洲游记写的最优秀的有哪些推荐


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